Dead By Daylight 100% xD
That’s impressive because for some people it’s a traumatic experience being stuck in quicksand and nearly dying, and for others it’s an arousing experience. Very interesting how differently people perceive it.
well it’s just because in the old tv shows there was a lot of… odd sounds from women caught in quicksand
Man, reading a Robert Evans Cracked article from 2016 takes me back.
I loved Cracked so much before they fired everyone who people liked 7 years ago.
Havent been to cracked in forever
When I see these memes, I always rememmber Unreal Tournament 99, where female death sounds are decidedly unsexy, see starting at 7:24
Maybe because of that “throat vibration” effect? I wonder if they got it right on the first try, or had a first draft and had to scrap it and come up with sounds that couldn’t be mistaken for anything else
Props to them. That sounds like a woman dying in a very unsexy way.
None of that sounds sexy
Have you read the comment you are replying to, be honest
I misread it haha
Dude read throat vibration and immediately clicked that link. Lol
Yes omg I love that game and that’s a thing I always found particularly unique to it. I’m so happy to see someone else point it out.
don’t kink-shame.
A women being hurt 9 times of 10 is screaming. Imagine how annoying that’d be in a game.
The “women are always screaming” stereotype is sexist. It’s a direct extension of the pseudoscientific hysteria diagnosis that used to be commonly accepted. “A women,” as you put it, might scream, and you might find that annoying. Women as a category have higher pitched voices on average, and the line between “reasonable yelling” and “hysterical screaming” is often just one of pitch, even when the cause for alarm or injury is the same.
Additionally, neither I nor any of the women in my life “scream” in response to injury. We yell in pain just like someone with a masculine voice, if a bit higher pitched. Some may, but it’s not common and is usually reserved for situations of extreme alarm or fear, or occasionally excitement. Any time a woman does scream on video, you always see someone in the comments complaining about how annoying women screaming is. The same is never said about men screaming, unless they scream “like a girl.”
9/10 times. How out of touch are you?
they’re a user, so the answer is usually ‘very’
This man doesn’t know what a real fighter looks like.
Natalya, 007 goldeneye comes to mind
Listening to pro tennis makes me think that they are actually accurate
Nah, it’s pretty much the right side for both.
Can’t remember what I was playing but I started getting attacked when I thought I was in a safe spot and got up to grab something from the fridge; the getting hurt sounds my dude was making sounded like he was taking cock like a champ.
Dark Souls 1 male voice is like “OOooaahh” when taking damage, pretty funny
Dark souls 1 maybe? The male character just enjoys pain im sure about that!
Nah, it’s pretty much the right side for both.
What a brave new world of gender equality we now live in 🙏
Anyone who’s played Dead By Daylight can attest that all the characters hurt sounds like the right side
Bill Overbeck…
Scoops Ahoy Steve
I can still hear the Stevegulls… Scene partner was a mistake!
If you’re designing games for the male gaze, the gender select screen is basically “are you here for the ooh-ra, or the a-woo-ga?”
What if you’re designing for the male gays?
I need an ass slider
Are you here to slay or are you here to slay
Creating my XIV Roegadyn female character
“Why not both?”
In FromSoft games it’s the complete opposite.
I lost 19,000 souls falling off a random ledge eeargh 💦
If Lemmy ever gets enshittified, I’m coming back to this comment and giving it an award
You can donate to nonprofits such as trans support funds and send the proof of donation. Rewards, but not enshittified
Someone was handing out jpegs with trophies for a certain number of upvotes in the German version of me_irl here for a while. Maybe try that?
I keep this one around until then
Any enshittification would probably have to happen on a specific instance, so wouldn’t be seen on other instances unless they support it.
Sometimes I wonder why I play/reccomend these games…
Because you can’t play New Vegas all the time?
Maybe I’m projecting a bit, fuck it TTW is only about 20 percent installed for me who gives a fuck.
What a beautiful creation
Thank you, I was thinking “dark souls male character sounds”
As a masochistic woman, I feel attacked. 😅
Which is… a good thing for you?
This raises the good question of whether masochists need consent in some situations
Edit: from the severe negative feedback, I presume then that user pzzzt has legitimate cause to feel attacked, and that user Kevo is false in their presumption that this is a good thing for them. Or we might all be overreacting to some risqué banter. Real thinker.
Consent is the line that separates kink from abuse. It has to be the thing that people who do kink treat as the most sacred thing. If consent were not there, “doms” would be committing horrific acts of abuse.
The things I have let men to me have been only okay, and only enjoyable, because they were done to me with my consent. Taking a crop after a careful warmup by a partner who asked you in detail about what parts are okay to hit, and how you would like to be treated afterwards, and how long you’d like it to last - this is fun. Having a hookup spank or choke you out of nowhere? Not fun. Even if I enjoy spanking (or being choked, but choking is genuinely not safe and it’s concerning how common it is) - when I don’t know what the boundaries are anymore - I can’t relax and enjoy myself.
I lived as a 24/7 “you can hit me whenever you want” painslut, and even then, there were days where I didn’t want to be hit. Even the most extreme masochists are still people, and are still going to have limits.
Any kink community worth its salt will pillory you (not in a fun way) for not taking consent seriously. That’s how you can tell if they are safe.
I guess I didn’t really understand what a masochist actually meant, as I attached some kind of sadist connotation to it, when it’s just a pain-related kink. Thanks for the extra context, and I will try to update my understanding
Healthy sadism and masochism are when adults come together to talk about things that they enjoy doing or being done to them, and then doing those things in a way that is fun for both parties. What that looks like can look like a whole bunch of things, even things that we would see as actual crimes if they were being done to people who had not said “yes I want this.” (nothing like some light waterboarding)
both pzzzt’s and kevo’s comments were jokes
you brought up the topic of consent, which is never a joke in kink communities, hence why you got downvotes
No there is never a situation where consent isn’t involved or given before hand
please think again
Ah, I presume ‘pzzzt’ refers to the sound of electricity between the clamps?
Arcing electricity is not good.
Them seem like kink-shaming words!
Advice for safety.
me too 😅
you should hear yourself while climaxing and then see if you can make any distinction
When my partner cums it sounds kind of like, how I imagine, someone getting stabbed would sound and I should be used to it by now, but it off catches me off guard
oh I just scream for a while tbh
I don’t even have to be orgasming. I just scream sometimes. Some people say I’m quirky.
based and AAAAAAAA pilled
It made the other parishners feel really awkward
I recorded myself and ran it through Shazam and it returned this?
I was scared to click that link but now I can’t breathe 😂
Let’s not pretend we don’t know the reason.
is that a challenge?
here we go: it’s because all the female characters are canonically masochists, because something something trans women are like half of all competent computer programmers, and every single trans woman in tech is a masochist, and they like to see themselves represented on screen. how often do we confirm that a video game character is cis? almost never, right? so it’s actually just trans inclusivity.
Well I’m a straight cis male programmer who could describe myself as a rigger/master type. And I definitely play the female characters because those hard hits are fucking lovely to hear.
I can only imagine what it’s like being part of the recording team when it comes to getting the hurt sounds. Probably something like this.
Uh, source?
XD nice
Apparently it’s from an adult game called Another Chance, made by Time Wizard Studios. They also created this meme (source is here)
oh hey I played that game-ish
it was pretty goodI mean. What the hell. Yolo, right?
Hm username does not check out…
Are we criticizing women voice actors here or are we assuming voice actors are given direction to do this?
I would imagine they are given directions to do it, or if not, it might just be that some people perceive the hurt sounds to sound like the right side to them.
I think it’s the latter. I once had to take care of a sick friend who was pretty much puking her guts out. Her moans sounded arousing. Of course she wasn’t intentionally doing that, it’s just our own male brains playing tricks on us.