Unfortunately the Jones Act means shipping from Hawaii to the continental US requires the use of a shipping vessel constructed in the US, flying the US flag, and entirely crewed by US citizens which makes the shipping costs expensive as fuck.
Unfortunately the Jones Act means shipping from Hawaii to the continental US requires the use of a shipping vessel constructed in the US, flying the US flag, and entirely crewed by US citizens which makes the shipping costs expensive as fuck.
genie hands him 100,000,000 Vietnamese Dong
I summon Pot of Greed which allows me to draw 3 additional candies!
What up my yingga? (I’m reclaiming the word)
DankChristianMemes I hope!
How are they still in business? Every single farmer, bar none, has to know about their business practices
Wendover Productions has a decent video on John Deere’s market dominance. tl;dw It’s by cutthroat capitalism of course.
John Deere has bought out all their competitors and continues to do so. Every single breakthrough in farming equipment technology in the last decade is owned by John Deere. As a farmer, you either choose to sign a one-sided contract with John Deere or you use outdated inefficient equipment that John Deere hasn’t purchased the patent rights to. Or, of course, you sell your farm all together. Large corporate farms don’t care much about the John Deere contract since they have the power to negotiate a better deal. A lot of small farmers have been making the choice to sell out.
Soon, all farming will be done by one megacorp, buying their seed from Monsanto, using John Deere equipment, and cashing in a ridiculously fat subsidy cheque from the government.
Economics really sucks at accounting for the value of human life. I remember there was a study on the financial impacts that smokers have on society. The idea going in was that smokers would get health issues which would cause a financial drain on societies which pay for people’s healthcare. The study actually found that smokers weren’t a drain at all. Smokers tended to die quickly, meaning no chronic health treatments. More importantly, they died young. Meaning they didn’t cash in their government pensions. Governments were essentially profiting off smokers. The study did another analysis, this time putting in a fake number for the “value of life” and the result was as expected. Smoking is a negative because it kills people.
It also helps to have so much wealth you don’t need to worry over things like affording food and housing.
We gotta convince the non-canadians this is how maple syrup is made
Guinea Bee? Bumble Pig?
I was a private investigator for 20 years so I’ll use my unique skillset to help you out for free. The website URL is watermarked on the top and bottom of the video in large font.
Rattle 'em, boys!
I chimed in with “Zerpa stamby imba bweb”
This is why I always specify I want seamen
Dogs with fricken laser beams attached to their eyes
If all racism was as harmless as “white girls like pumpkin spice” the world would be a utopia.
Honestly I think Plato would be more offended to be depicted writing.