In b4 someone tells me 6 isn’t out yet
Simplifying the most recent scroll bar feels like a huge step backwards to me. It really is the epitome of modern tech needlessly boiling down to its basic visual aspects to emulate a “clean” environment for the users.
Give me back my scroll bar texture damnit
This. Holy shit is it frustrating to click a pixel wide scroll bar that is on the edge between two monitors. It’s even worse when they disappear.
I recently had a complaint with a website:
“Users are having trouble scrolling!”
My response:
“Are they using the scroll wheel/directly scrolling with the touchpad, or using the scroll bar?”
They were, of course, using the scroll bar. I am now somehow responsible for design choices made at the level of the browser, because browsers have decided that the scroll bar should be nigh impossible to use. Yippee.
UIs get worse all the time, very frustrating. Who needs contrast, right? I have good eyes and know exactly where to look. My mother? Holy shit no chance.
Anyone else hate the trend of removing arrow buttons?
I hated the trend of flat buttons. Then they removed the buttons. Then they basically removed the entire scrollbar altogether.
At this point, I’d happily go back to the age of flat buttons. That’s how bad things have gotten…
What I hate is how in Firefox in Linux I only have these tiny “slim” scrollbars that hide when not in use.
I didn’t notice much since generally don’t have the arrow buttons and I wouldn’t use them. I use arrow keys, pagination keys, home/end key, scroll wheel/motion, drag the bar or click somewhere to jump there. Those buttons were always quite tiny.
But the behavior of my scrollbar looks like this: slides in on use or when the mouse gets moved; gets fatter when hovered
Though hiding stuff sucks indeed.
Edit: You can configure scrollbar to always be visible.
Well I mainly want the big scrollbars back. Even if these shadow scrollbars of 2px width don’t auto-hide,I still hate them.
I did find an addon at some point but it seems that it can’t override system settings but I can’t find where it should be a system setting to use these slim scrollbars.
The scrollbar should double it’s width when you hover it and the hover area is the width of the wider scroll bar with a 6px wide bar and 3px margins on the left and right.
“Always show scrollbars” also constantly gives you the wider scrollbar.
Unless you were already talking about this scrollbar and not the thinner 3px wide one with 1px margin
I seem to recall Apple going through a phase when they put both arrows on both sides of the scrollbar.
2024… one pixel wide
And disappears and reappears without rhyme or reason like it’s possessed.
2024, scrollbars? What scrollbars? We decided that you don’t need them. Sorry but your adblocker and script blocking, broke our own shitty implementation of scrolling. Please enable all scripts for our large ad family to feast on your data.
I really hate sites that change scrolling It always looks weird and uncomfortable. Who thinks this is a good idea?
Search engine optimizers.
If you spend more time on a site, it looks higher value, so they do everything to increase the time you need to find the info you came for.How can the search engine tell how long you spend on a site?
Because most sites have Google trackers installed.
I miss visible, usable scroll bars. Now they’re replaced with… nothing, because we want everything to be invisible while keeping a lot of empty space in modern designs, it seems.
My favorite is that you can’t see if content is actually off screen sometimes. No scrolbar to indicate and often those clean lines just look like the end of the content. Horrible
2006 was the peak
Combining 2006 and 2009 would be ideal. High contrast etc.