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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Are they truly Democratic though. Anarchism is an extreme form of democracy BTW. Not anti democratic. Coming at it from an American perspective, even many of our founding father’s figured by now we’d have majorly overhauled our governing system nearly 10 or more times. They knew their system was flawed. Instead institutional inertia has caused it to become progressively less democratic by many measures. And people turned the founders into infallible deities.

    I have less issue with those advocating to rework or abolish institutions. Than those that as a blanket say we can’t question or modify them. Criticism etc should be couched in actually making those institutions more democratic and equitable of course. Not like the economic liberals that like to pretend that they are Libertarians advocating for tax cut and end to regulations that reign in the avarice of Corporations And the wealthy.

  • You might be reading too much into this. Now if you can link to that same user praising Marxist leninism or any of the countries still based on that ideology. Then you have a hypocrisy to critique. But in the absence of that. Those are valid critiques of both Western democracy and Marxist leninist governments. And it’s probably based on their lived experience in a western democracy that they are criticizing it. I’m sure you can find many in China who would have similar criticisms about their own system.

    And just to make sure it gets said. Anarchists have no more love for the Chinese Communist Party than you do. So if you think they’re honestly using Anarchist as an attack Vector of the west. They’re going to need all the luck they can get with it.

  • Lemmy as a whole is pretty staunchly left and tolerant generally. Looking for things flagging themselves left here. Implies looking for the left of the left. Which ultimately leads to circle jerking and edgelord virtue signaling. It’s a bad time. Left can mean different things to different people. Drasticly so. If you consider yourself “left” look into some of their philosophies and see what resonates. Then look for communities based around that. You’ll likely have a much better time. And learn things in the process. Win win.

  • Sure the FAA needs to do this. We also need to fund the FAA and other regulatory agencies at the level they could. Whole towns in Texas have had large portions of them vaporized. Due to no proper OSHA and hazardous chemical safety handling inspection and accountability. And yes you read that right. Plural, it’s happened multiple times.

    Often tens to hundreds of inspectors at most. Employed by these agencies are responsible for inspecting tens of thousands of sites each across several States because they are so under staffed and funded. And you want to guess who’s responsible?

  • Or if you’re someone who uses speech to text on your phone. Nearly every system that I’ve ever used asterisks out everything after the first letter. It can be a lot of extra effort to go back and fill the fucks in. But if there’s one fucking thing worth doing fucking right. Fucking filling out those fat fucking fucks is fucking it. It’s one of the most fucking versatile words on the planet. It can be a fucking adjective, one of the most versatile verbs no matter what fucked up tense you choose, and even a motherfucking noun.

  • It boggles the mind doesn’t it? The left tells them what behavior is unacceptable. So they ask how they’re supposed to behave. But the left already told them what was unacceptable. Then they get upset when the people who told them how to behave react to negatively to them acting ignorant.

    If men really need to be told how to behave at all. There’s no hope for men’s liberation. If you don’t know what patriarchy and misogyny is. You shouldn’t be taking part in any debates activism or discourse on the subject. At least not until you’ve gone and educated yourself.

    And to those who really don’t know or would actually like to understand. Asking how you’re supposed to behave is the wrong way to go about it. You can behave however you like as long as you don’t act misogynist and patriarchal. Don’t imply someone must be a certain way or can’t do a certain thing because of who they are. For example I think most guys would get a little upset if someone assumed that they were an ignorant caveman incapable of learning.

    If you really have to ask. The best way to ask is to be genuine. To tell anyone acting offended that you’re aware some of the behaviors Etc that you’ve been raised with are problematic. And that you are doing your best to understand when they are and learn to not do that. And then ask the person to help you understand what Behavior it was that upset them. You’ll have infinitely more success and much better answers that way. Just by being sincere.