Harassed off the platform

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 4th, 2023


  • This is my issue.

    Its a fantasy world. Dont copy paste non magic human solutions to disability. Create fantasy ones.

    Enchanted pants that give you mild telekenesis while wearing them, but only on the pants. You can walk with your mind now, but you need the pants to do so.

    Youre still disabled, but now your disability is more akin to glasses. An aide that is required, but in most cases completely masks your disability and lets you go about your day to day mostly unhindered, all while maintaining the worlds flavor without the weird clash of having a piece of tech that doesnt match the world around it.

    Dont want your disability fully masked? Give them a familiar to ride. Or keep the telekenesis, but make it a chair whose legs can walk.

    Its fantasy so we can ignore reality for a lil while. You dont need real solutions to problems, you need fantasy solutions.

  • Google “israel rotting babies” the video has been circulating for days.

    Israel as a whole has killed 4k+ children, that we are currently capable of counting, making up 40% of the deaths in Gaza.

    Israel also recently divided Gaza into squares, and set them for systematic bombings, which multiple holocaust history professors and experts have said is near identical to german extermination division plans.

    Youre defending child slaughter. Dont pussy out of that. Own up to it.