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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Claiming that everyone who disagrees with you is a hater is inherently dishonest.

    I did not claim that. I said that anyone who provided an alternative opinion got downvoted by haters who are so fervent they do not care about facts. Disagreements are not downvotes.

    I’m not trying to defend every single person who might have downvoted you, only providing you a counter example to hopefully get you to challenge your assumption.

    I’m not even talking about myself. That was one of the first comments I made in the thread. I was talking about others who got downvoted for literally saying they like the bot. It had nothing to do with disagreement.

    I can give you an example of what I would consider misinformation from MBFC itself in their bias rating of the BBC. It’s misinformation in my view because this particular example exposed the arbitrary and contentious nature of their bias ratings which they present as though they have some kind of rigour behind it. That is simply not the case. For what it’s worth I provided a discussion on this particular topic which I won’t repeat here but hopefully you can see why I would say it spreads misinformation.

    Can you go more into what you think is arbitrary and contentious in that rating? As it is, what I see is that they have provided very detailed reasons for their ratings, backed up with sources and statistics, and then provided a multi-faceted rating to cover each part of that.

    Again, not trying to defend every single person who’s been in this discussion, but your dismissal of criticism because everyone is just a hater is not justified, because there are plenty of people raising well thought out and genuine concerns.

    you’re the first I’ve seen that actually has commented anything even slightly reasonable.

  • Not a single person in this thread has provided a single shred of proof for the “misinformation” claim, so forgive me if I don’t believe your very first sentence. It’s just a bunch of people spouting nonsense and not backing it up with anything. If you provide even a single link (first hand source, not a lemmy comment) supporting your argument that it’s misinformation then I will gladly have a conversation with you about how bias ratings can be accurately created.

    I said everyone is a hater because I did try to converse honestly earlier in the thread and people refused to provide any sort of proof of misinformation, literally going so far as to say I should just “google it”. Sorry it’s not on me to provide proof for others claims.

  • No it means that the only people participating in the thread are people who passionately hate it. The same way you only hear negative reviews for things, even if something is great, because most people don’t care enough to put the effort in for positive reviews.

  • However, there are companies selling direct support, and communities focused on specific topics, and wikis run by some of the most popular linux distributions, and classes, and books, and various other good information sources.

    You literally said that.

    I use Linux all the time. I have an unraid server in my basement with about 50 docker containers. I run Debian to run a lemmy instance. I use windows for gaming, and I use Mac for software dev. Linux works fantastic for servers. As a desktop os it’s shit.

    As for “what we did that led to Linux breaking”, that’s just a hilarious question. Go to your Linux wikis and forums and read there. It will literally just break plugging in the wrong device. This isn’t a “my friend and I”. This is every software dev I’ve ever talked to that has used Linux, including ones that currently use it.

    Your last comment there is the exact point I’m trying to make. If you have to learn anything in order to literally make the OS function (e.g. even set up a monitor) then Linux will never go mainstream. That’s just a fact.

  • You do not need to use PS to manage network settings. And no normal user has any clue that exchange even exists much less needing to modify it. And saying that PS doesn’t have good documentation is laughable comparing it to bash. Listen, I hate windows just as much as you all do, but it is most definitely more user friendly than any Linux distribution out there. No windows user ever needs to even touch PS much less program network settings with it. Literally the fact that you need to even open the app at all is a massive fucking downside to Linux. Users don’t want to type out “weird incantations”. They want to click a button, select from a dropdown, or in the case of many many many drivers, do absolutely nothing at all.

    The fact that you had to call out a specific nonstandard desktop environment to support your case for Linux being easy to use is exactly the point that several other people in this thread are trying to make.

  • I’ve run Linux on custom built gaming computers. You still get all the same problems that dude is talking about. And no, forums and wikis are not a replacement for the os just working. A good analogy for Linux that a friend came up with. “Linux is a tank, it can blast through anything, you can do tons with it. But it doesn’t come with a cup holder. You decide to install one. But when you do so the shift lever doesn’t work anymore. So you move the shift knob over, now the AC doesn’t work. You fix that and now the tank won’t turn right, unless the AC is off.” You get the point.

  • Whoosh. This happens literally every time anyone comments about how difficult Linux is, someone just recommends some other distro or obscure fix (this time a new desktop). You’re literally missing the actual problem here because you’re always trying to solve strange problems on Linux. The fact that you know a solution to this and the solution isn’t continue using your current system but instead install a new graphical interface is the exact problem that the person you’re responding to is complaining about.

  • The power can go through the female end just fine, that’s not the problem. The problem is people plug this “suicide cable” into the wall first, thus creating a 120v taser of sorts. Like someone else in this thread said, the only problem from cables like that is people tend to try to backfeed energy into the system with a generator or solar panels. Boom.