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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • For a while now I’ve had Grafana hooked up to InfluxDB and Telegraf. Using Telegraf I setup pings to ips along my route to the larger internet, major dns providers, and several large internet sites. I measure response time and packet loss. It has allowed me to cut through the Comcast BS when diagnosing problems with them. I can tell them for sure that the problem is inside their network and is the X hop from my router.

    I recently started setting up Grafana over on a different server and I’m using Prometheus instead to monitor more than just the other server I was monitoring. I haven’t yet set it up with that but it looks like something similar is possible with Prometheus based on the small amount of research I’ve done on it.

  • Same for me.
    -It works well
    -my dad (who has dementia) can use it
    -It runs even when the net goes down (means my dad is happy)
    -Can Transcode for our TV’s with premiere (would rather not have to pay for that)

    Have been thinking about Jellyfin…as I like the FOSS angle…and seems like it is gaining a lot of traction in the selfhost community. I host Emby Server on my Unraid server and our nVidia Shields play content great using the Emby app. Going to be investigating Jellyfin when I start to move the rest of my serivces off of Unraid.