Mirrors are a conspiracy.
They think they can hide the shadow realm from us!!
Just a humble squid that over produces slime. Buy my slime, its a medical wonder, cures halitosis, weird eye syndrome, bolding.
Mirrors are a conspiracy.
They think they can hide the shadow realm from us!!
But it is a fait worse then death!
He’s should be free not locked in a cage
Licencing, its cheap to print and for consumers easy to find
Plenty of other search engine that need your attention 🫠
And the cashier would have no fucking clue 😂
Competitive games were once upon a time p2p 🥲 now we have single player games that demand networking.
I support this. Sadly I’m not subscribed but wish I was just so I could cancel 🥲
arch user are hot :,)
So people calling the British royal family lizards are actually calling them Jewish?
I like lizard people being a term to put down the upper class.
And most open source projects run under this model. I’m leaving if ads appear tbth
Its important to view this through an economic scope, what is the cost of a regular user to a server. Then how much are donors giving and does that supplement the cost of non paying regular users.
Also these non paying regular user add to Lemmy by buffing out numbers and attracting more donating user to the platform.
If we can donate then we definitely should and that way we can run under this model.
i agree, its more that if the vpn advertised a roster of features and removed one id still like to see the pricing reflect that reduction.
I’m not entirely sure I get this, so a company that will and does force other company’s to remove personal data has ties to a broker and Mozilla dropped them for those ties, I mean its not bad but its definitely harsh and removes a useful service from a subscription they offered, hopefully Mozilla can at least find a new implementation or change the pricing to shadow the lack of this feature.
Edit: different article Mozilla did the right thing. I still think Mozilla should adjust pricing or implement a similar service.
True that. I will make a spam not that shall post meta decent
Gate keeping time, this is one of few situations where gate keeping is good
Only now they’re adding display port? Has it taken this long to release no one wants your stupid downgrade of a dongle
Arch is developed under the keep it simple stupid
design philosophy. It also has one of the most extensive linux manuals, a die hard user base, I use arch btw. And arch is often ahead of other distros with updates as the aur (arch user repository) is managed by users
Anyone hear that hackers have been embedding password crackers into WordPress. Turns non assuming visitors into password cracking botnet