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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Yup, same here.

    What’s bad is that some of my family still like to get all pissy when I tell them to gtfo when they come to me for an answer after they’ve wasted my time by arguing over things they had come to me for in the past.

    Don’t ask me your random crap, wait for me to give a good answer, then argue with me. Even if I was wrong, why the hell did you come up me in the first place if you didn’t think I knew what you were asking about?

    Like you, if I don’t know, I say I don’t know. And I’ll be clear about any gaps or uncertainty. More rigorously than I do online because idgaf about random online opinions, and I still usually follow those rules online.

    For a couple of years, I would tell my sister that I’m not her private google after she made a habit of wasting my time asking things and then arguing things that she didn’t know in the first place, and arguing wrong things. Just got tired of being taken for granted.

    Mind you, if she’d heard the answer and just asked more questions, discussing the matter, it would be fine. But saying things as utterly infuriating as “but it said on facebook”, and “I don’t believe you” pushed me to my patience limit lol. Like, what? If you didn’t think I was reliable after the hundreds of things I was right about before, why did you even ask?

  • Okay, I troll the hell out of vegans online, because it’s easy and always entertaining. So, anyone coming along after this, take that into account.

    But, you nailed it. There’s a subsection of vegans that treat it like a religion, and anyone else as infidels. That superiority complex, the smugness is a huge detriment to vegan living and principles.

    But (and here’s why I made the disclaimer), they’re a minority overall. I know too many vegans irl that are chill, wonderful people following their beliefs and ideals without being jerks about it. Vegetarians too, though that’s tangential.

    It’s really online that the asshole hats get put on the most, and usually only on sites/services that make it easy to be anonymous. Which is a good thing! Anonymous discourse is not just important, it’s vital to part of humans becoming better than what we are. But there will always be people that hide their true selves until they’re anonymous and can feel safe, and that includes people that are smug, arrogant assholes down deep. It also includes people that don’t feel safe being an outsider or dissenter, and people that are awesome down deep, but have to keep up a front irl.

    Anyway my point is that we, the non vegans of the world, have to be careful to not forget the human. Vegans are mostly deeply compassionate, kind souls that want the best for anyone and everyone, including animals. We don’t have to agree with them, just remember that the loudest, most obnoxious voices aren’t the sum total of the vegan community.

  • Yah, that would be a great solution in comparison, but it’s still privacy invasive. Not as bad, but it’s still not giving people due process.

    Which, not everywhere in the world recognizes that principle as a right, I am aware. But I do consider due process a right, and scanning anything on anyone’s devices without a legally justifiable reason is a violation of that.

    I’m not willing to kowtow to a moral panic and just ignore the erosion of privacy “because the children”. And it is a moral panic. As bad as it is, as much as I personally would enjoy five minutes alone with someone that’s making or using kiddie porn of any stripe, it simply isn’t such a common thing that stripping everyone of their privacy, in any way is acceptable.

    They wanna figure out a way to target individuals suspected of that kind of crime, awesome. Untargeted, sweeping invasions simply are not acceptable, and I do not care what the purported reason of the week is; kiddie porn, terrorism, security, stopping drugs, I do not care. I have committed no crime, and refuse to give away the presumption of innocence for myself or anyone else.

  • Sexual preference = kinks, positions, etc

    Sexual orientation = the spectrum with hetero and homosexuality at either end, and adjacent categories such as asexuality.

    Identity = a presentation of a social aspect, or the internal self-label for such things.

    In other words, furry world be an identity, with yiff being a sexual preference.

    First caveat: sexual preference used to be what sexual orientation is, but as society shifted to understanding that one’s sexual attractions to the gender spectrum aren’t actually voluntary, they’re inborn, preference was no longer applicable. As such, sexual preference fell out of use for that, but it’s still sometimes used as language catches up. Of more import for this comment is that the use of the term for sexual activities that are preferred is fairly new, I’ve only run across it in the last two years.

    Second caveat: these aren’t dictionary definitions. Dictionaries take longer than people to codify usage changes. These are my attempt at codifying the definitions I’ve seen in the wild, and can’t be taken as authoritative, only as an attempt at clarification with all this taken into account.