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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • Something like vim-table-mode work as an improvement? You got me there though, tables can be a real pain in a terminal.

    For the second, I setup an on save hook or watch script to build a PDF and open it. Its been a minute, but I think I had to find a PDF viewer that would refresh if already open and keep the current position on subsequent opens.

    Best of luck finding something that works for you!

  • Immutable Nixos. My entire server deployment from partitioning to config is stored in git on all my machines.

    Every time I boot all runtime changes are “wiped”, which is really just BTRFS subvolume swapping.

    Persistence is possible, but I’m forced to deal with it otherwise it will get wiped on boot.

    I use LVM for mirrored volumes for local redundancy.

    My persisted volumes are backed up automatically to B2 Backblaze using rclone. I don’t backup everything. Stuff I can download again are skipped for example. I don’t have anything currently that requires putting a process in “maint mode” like a database getting corrupt if I backup while its being written to. When I did, I’d either script gracefully shutting down the process or use any export functionality if the process supported it.

  • I’m on Graphene. Mullvad is only 1% for me with 16h30min since last on a charge. I’m at 56% with 1h30m screen time.

    I used GPS as I did some driving with maps and my music app accounting for 29% of my battery usage.

    I throw my phone on the charger at night figuring battery tech and software management is good enough.

    Are you WiFi or mobile? I get shitty mobile service so if I’m off WiFi my battery tends to go to shit. The VPN usually accounts for more as I assume it keeps reconnecting.

  • I don’t know about Nvidia specifically, but I mostly only see RSUs offered to Staff/Principal level engineers or Director and above on the management track. Many times with a multi year vestment period to act as a retention tool. You can make out good at the exiting end of the deal.

    IMHO its a shitty practice. There is risk if the C-level pulls some stupid shit tanking the stock. The reward could just as easily be distributed to employees with a profit sharing bonus that eliminates the risk of my options tanking while vesting. Let the employees convert to options if they want to stake on future company performance.

    At least in the US, I could have used the value of my options earlier in life to help with student loans, buying a house, medical issues, having kids, etc. I grew up poor. I “pulled myself up from bootstraps” and am doing well now. I still think the whole system is a dumb gimmick.

  • I haven’t tested in Windows, but this is my setup Linux to Linux using rclone which the docs say works with Windows.


    • LUKS
    • LVM
    • Volgroup with a mishmash of drives in a mirror configuration
    • Cache volume with SSD
    • BTRFS /w Snapshots (or ZFS or any other snapshotting FS)
    • (optional) Rclone local “remote” with Crypt if you want runtime encryption at rest and the ability to decrypt files on the server. You can skip this and do client side only if you don’t want the decryption key on the server.
    • SFTP (or any other self-hosted protocol from https://rclone.org/docs/)


    • Rclone Config /w SFTP (or chosen protocol)
    • (optional) Rclone Config /w Crypt
    • Rclone mount with VFS.

    I use this setup for my local files and a similar setup to my Backblaze B2 off site backups.

    The VFS implementation has been pretty good. You can also manually sync. Their bisync I don’t fully trust though.

    I can access everything through android using https://github.com/newhinton/Round-Sync. Not great for photos though as thumbnails weren’t loading without pulling the whole file last I tested a year ago.

  • Some of this is a bit soft. Like, the 50% / 0% employment split says something about business’s ability to command labor. If we had an amazing economy with 50% unemployment, this would imply a large population that businesses either didn’t want or couldn’t access. And the former says something very different than the latter.

    The worry for me is the “didn’t want” part. Automation is increasing throughput. The ultra wealthy are netting most of the value instead of humanity as a whole. Workers are getting laid off to keep profits increasing. Greed blocks mass access to surplus while the available job pool shrinks. Culture warfare is used as a distraction to vilify those who aren’t staying afloat as immoral leaches.

    I doubt we could get to 50% without something like UBI. The unemployed would either die off due to lack of resources or a revolution happens to extract the horded wealth by force for another cycle of history. Doesn’t mean employers won’t try to min/max how much they can take.

  • One method depends on your storage provider. Rsync may have incremental snapshots, but I haven’t looked because my storage provider has it.

    Sometimes a separate tool like rsnapshot (but probably not rsnapshot itself as I dont think its hard links interact well with rsync) might be used to manage snapshots locally that are then rsynced.

    On to storage providers or back ends. I use B2 Backblaze configured to never delete. When a file changes it uploads the new version and renames the old version with a timestamp and hides it. Rsync has tools to recover the old file versions or delete any history. Again, it only uploads the changed files so its not full snapshots.

  • Important stuff (about 150G) is synced to all my machines and a b2 Backblaze bucket.

    I have a rented seed box for those low seeder torrents.

    The stuff I can download again is only on a mirrored lvm pool with an lvmcache. I don’t have any redundancy for my monerod data which is on an nvme.

    I’m moving towards an immutable OS with 30 days of snapshots. While not the main reason, it does push one to practicing better sync habits.