Croque garcon?
Croque garcon?
Fuck, that’s bad news. Crimes against profit
Ok, dumb question: you still see these around. Is Trafic an actual French word or just funky spelling for traffic?
I refuse to google this question. Thank you.
🎶🎶These wounds, they will not heal🎶🎶
And depending on the era, certainly in England, many high society people didn’t get out of bed until 11am or midday.
I’ve had an excellent pedestal fan for 10 years for my bedroom. It’s brilliant and does everything you want, but it also has a blazing bright light-up screen to you show it’s on. But I know it’s on as it’s blowing air, I know it’s on oscillate as it’s turning - why does it need to show a neon sign in my bedroom at night with no way to turn it off? Mental.
Thanks OP, an FYI you can restore a Tachiyomi backup from Mihon to migrate straight across 👍
Just how proactive are we talking? Before every shit? The second you flush every time you whip straight around and start plunging?