Little bit of everything!

Avid Swiftie (come join us at ! )

Gaming (Mass Effect, Witcher, and too much Satisfactory)


I live for 90s TV sitcoms

  • 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • God it’s so transparent. I’m a software engineer, and I have first hand built software that has made my business teams and execs wealthy. I have sat there and watched them buy new audis and new houses while I’m told “sorry we can’t afford a raise this year”. And I know I do better than most being in software, but man do they want to keep us arguing about that while they go and buy everything while we squabble.

  • God the denial. In a way, I kind of pity them. Ignorance is bliss, by acknowledging that these might be caused by us, they have to acknowledge everything else too. And frankly, it’s pretty scary to acknowledge that we’re killing off the own viability of our planet. It’s a lot easier to just pretend that these things are just normal storms happening and that everything is fine. That’s the hard uphill battle that we have right now, it’s not just convincing someone that something is happening, it’s convincing them that the world isn’t warm and fuzzy anymore and that it’s actually really terrifying

  • oh my god I went back to FB a few months ago just to see how bad it is.

    So the algorithm is real good at picking up on what you like, and it’ll do that quickly, but slowly the propaganda starts seeping in.

    For example, I like Taylor Swift. Don’t hide that here or there. So, she starts popping up. At first fun fan pages.
    Then, all of a sudden I get a weird one, that she’s actually conservative. Check a few days later, I see another, she’s endorsing trump. (Definitiely did not).

    And now, without even interacting with the posts, half of them are conservative focused propaganda. It’s all 100% BS of course, it’s just AI generated images and text, but holy fuck do those morons eat it up. Not just Swift, but everything there is 100% a propaganda machine. They 100% lure you in with things you like, then they turn up the rage after a bit to keep you engaged and stuck there.

    Place is a cesspool. Stay away from FB. Remember, family doesn’t let family stay on FB.

  • Coffee is brewed near boiling, but the hottest it should be served is 60 degrees C, or around 140 degrees F. Basically her temperature was the same as it was literally coming out of the machine, no one takes a big gulp of coffee the second it comes out of the machine.

    McDonalds kept their coffee as hot as possible to give the illusion it was fresher than it was. By keeping the coffee at 190-200F then they believed that customers would feel that the coffee was fresher, even though they knew it was unsafe to serve coffee that hot.

    Larger places follow the same rules here, while coffee is brewed extremely hot it usually rests for a bit before serving unless a customer explicitly asks for it. In restaurants it’s served for you. Even Starbucks most of their drinks are milk based which cools the coffee, except for Americanos which are just espresso and hot water, and you’ll usually see those with an insulator cup to highlight that

    Found this, which explains serving coffee better than I can.

    McDonald’s admitted it had known about the risk of serious burns from its scalding hot coffee for more than 10 years. The risk had repeatedly been brought to its attention through numerous other claims and suits.