Most certainly
MyAnonamouse is the first place where I really saw attention drawn to encourage port forwarding and after seeing the difference will always have ports forwarded
Most certainly
MyAnonamouse is the first place where I really saw attention drawn to encourage port forwarding and after seeing the difference will always have ports forwarded
The ones we tested were these:
Unfortunately the project they were originally for was cancelled fairly quickly so we didn’t test any others
We tested some nicer ones for use in an industrial environment where hearing protection was required. They were great and let workers hear clearly while still being able to use their preferred PPE.
I’ve ran GNOME for years until this month. Something randomly broke and then on fresh install the dark theme wasn’t working correctly. Switched to KDE and everything looks and works perfectly. Think I’ll hang out here for the foreseeable future.
ProtonVPN works great via Wiregurd on Linux as well just not through the GUI; you can download the configs and connect through terminal or other Wireguard client
Jellyfin +yt-dlp
Kids ask for a YouTube show, I get to evaluate and then they get safe watching