• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • I can’t speak to your experience but I’ve been farting around on the Internet since the mid 90s and I promise nothing ever changes.

    Smaller communities tend to be more concise, that is true.

    But what you have here is the hand you’re dealt. Complaining isn’t going to change anything any more thank joking. You can be the change you seek here by suggesting a course of action that isn’t asking others to suggest a course of action to you. If you’re seeking a course of action, you can try asking here.

    But commenters on tech news aren’t likely to be expert activists, especially in whatever issue is your top concern.

    My best advice to you is

    • practice acceptance of reality, not as defeat but as the first step to understanding and deciding an action

    • determine how much capacity you, as a person, have to contribute to a cause

    • determine one cause you care about and can be effective at contributing to

    After doing those things, SEEK OUT like minded groups who have leadership and self discipline and are effective.

  • Ever been on a road trip?

    In my mind, I think it starts with one rogue fleck or dribble, causing the next person to avoid and hover slightly, which produces lower accuracy yet, causing the next person to hover even further, which keeps compounding until you eventually get the shitter who actually purchased and ate one of the rotating bubbling skin hot dogs at a previous gas station, and then you get what you’re seeing here.

  • Batteries and gas aren’t really comparable so I’m guessing this means batteries are expanded at a rate 10x higher than natural gas is being expanded, which makes sense because natural gas is such a mature staple that it doesn’t have that much opportunity growth.

    Batteries are also not an energy source, but storage.

    (Yeah I guess that’s technically true of all energy sources, but batteries are more like a tank than a consumable…)

    Of course adding batteries to store energy from off peak renewables to ready them for the peak is the point of this, but I would point out I don’t think anything prevents charging batteries from fossil-fuel generated electricity. I wouldn’t be surprised if an economic equilibrium dictates this to be the case, even.

    I think batteries will be highly valued equipment as a smoothing function to help reduce heavy load wear on any kind of generating equipment to help with peak loads, regardless of what’s charging them… possibly allowing fossil burning plants to run closer to a base load level at all times.