Seriously!? You enjoyed surfing the web? Accessing the information superhighway, a completely novel and unprecedented advance in our ability to explore what is effectively the database of all human knowledge? Statements like this reinforce my incredibly niche but deeply held prejudice against “people” like you.
unnecessary antagonism aside, people have fun learning and satisfying their curiosity, and it’s more rewarding when there’s less bloat to slog through
Olivia Nuzzi reposting a story only marginally more ridiculous than her own life
I think it could make sense not to scan for memberships and allow nonmembers to buy the food even through it’s a loss leader. If people are coming in for the good deal, especially if they’re coming regularly, there’s a chance they’ll buy a membership and start shopping there
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Maybe Satan did the math and saw that having warehouses full of low grade condoms would actually result in lower pregnancy and std rates than if he had opted for fewer, more expensive condoms. After all, a barrier is a barrier and quantity is a quality unto itself.