• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 9th, 2023


  • U can make any common practice and pillar of capitalism sound bad by using the words impressionable and extremist.

    If we remove that it become: funnelling a market towards the further consumption of your product. I.e. marketing

    And yes of cause the platforms are designed to be addictive and are effective at indoctranation but why is that only a problem for certain ideologies shouldnt we be stopping all ideologies from practicing indoctranation of impressionable people should we not be guiding people to as many viewpoints as possible to teach them to think not to swallow someone elses ideas and spew them back out.

    I blame Henry Ford for this whole clusterfuck he lobbied the education system to manufacture an obedient consumer market and working class that doesnt think for itself but simply swallows what its told. The education system is the problem anything else is treating the symptoms not the disease.

  • muntedcrocodile@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldWhy so sad?
    6 months ago

    Yeah sometimes i wonder why i argue with these assholes then i come up with a line like “hop skip and a bolt to the head” and my little monkey brains goes hahahaha. I mean im trying not to think abt it too hard but the vegans might be right we arnt that different we kill our fellow humans with almost every action we take so in the end its the vegans who care so much about not harming animals that murder is illegal therefore its their fault there is any difference at all.

  • muntedcrocodile@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldWhy so sad?
    6 months ago

    Was a word yes it was actually used to describe large scale scale catastrophy often caused by fire (a remnent of its greek origins often used during sacrifises via fire). I finacially support the systematic production and slaughter of animals this is not supporting. Andd i do not suppor dog fighting or zoophillia. The word holocause has changed meaning due to the angry austrian that is the imagery i suspect you are trying to purposefully invoke.

    Are you going to go try learn anything from the other sude of you politicsl divide or are u going to continue to hurl insults across the grand canion uve dug yourself so u dont have to challenge your own thinking? Not turtured humanly killed yes it does it prevents me being malnorished and becoming a total cunt. Again they aint being abused and yes i enjoy eating animals they are very delicouse. Are you saying im a fuckwit for being an omnivore as optimised and adapted to for by natural selection or because u think im a fuckwit who happens to enjoy eating meat?

  • muntedcrocodile@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldWhy so sad?
    6 months ago

    You dare compare the deaths of 6million people to that of animals. In my country there are also parties devoted to stopping all “animal abuse” they almost got 2% of the vote last election (thats with a preferential voting system) just cos an idea exists in the market place of ideas juat cos its new doesnt mean it better. I dont support animal abuse but im gonna go home and have chicken shnitty tonigh becausd thats not abuse imo. Non capitalist ideas have existed for hundreds of years at this point there is yet to be a successsfull implementation its been tested its failed we have diaregarded the idea and stuck with what works (there are many problema i dont deny that but at least it works). Israel palestine is whats called a basketcase 2 nations trying to exterminate eachother i believe the common term for this is called war the victor will write history as though they where on a just cause doing what must be done disregarding objective reality did we really need to firebomb dresdon unfound hiroshima and nagasaki was that nessasary or war crimes history says nesaasary cos we won and we wrote history thats just how it is how its been for thousands of years its the evolutinary most benificial move it will continue.

    I think its a very conservative viewpoint that peoples views dont change over time mine have mine will continue to i went hard left i went hard right both sides trying to tell me how to act how to think i came to a realisation that its all bullshit now i look at both sides and make up my own mind. You are clearly being told how to think by the left i bet you have never gone to the most depraved parts of the alt right and read what they say empathised with it understood it you canot possibly think u understand something unless u have understood both sides you are being told how to think not thinking for yourself. I get it you truely beleive that killing animals is equivilent to murder im guessing u have done neither of those things so you cannot understand either. Go watch a human beg for their life before getting shot then go watch a chicken get killed by a farmer that cares about their animals one he has raised and cared for, then tell me thats the same (im guessing u wont do either cos u are too soft, to unwilling, to brainwashed, to stuck in your ways to watch both sides and come to a conclusion yourself).

  • muntedcrocodile@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldWhy so sad?
    6 months ago

    I dont got one but most wars have been religiouse in nature but ur right ww1/2 might skew that a little simply due to larger populations being sacrified. But then again there has been thousands of years of religiouse wars throughout history someone shoudl do the analysis i recon it would be close.

  • muntedcrocodile@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldWhy so sad?
    6 months ago

    heres ya evidance: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/A:1025638030686

    The lowest estimate for land required per person per year i could find was 1,300 m^2/person/year thats a hell of a lot of land so I commend your efforts in growing your own food it a very rewarding proccess gives a better product and really does increase your satisfaction with it (something about dopamine for doing work and enjoying it or something blar blar science shit). But honestly your not really going to be making much of an impact with your efforts (thats no reason not to enjoy it as a hobby tho).

    I aint vegan but growing ones own food whether that be livestock or plants a is rewarding experience.

    Warning about tomatoes u want at least like 7 beds and rotate all ur crops each year as tomatoes get fungal problems that can persist in the soil for like 7 years, depending where u are the birds will learn where ya food is so u might need to net it at some point. Beans are piss easy its hard to fuck em up give em good support and ur set. Onions arent too hard just gotta be carefull with them while they still as starter stock endless effort watering seeds i just put a shitonne of seeds in a tray and water it everyday keep it inside in the sun till they start to croud then stick em out also u never have to buy onion stock just let one or ur onions go to seed and tomatoes just try some seeds form some on a paper towel. Also can i suggest corn its great fun (huge waste of space) and tastes infinitly better as the second its picked it starts converting sugars to starch.

    Raise yourself some chickens give em a good life feed em well get verifyably good eggs hatch our own chickens then after u realise u cant give away that many roosters the greatest chicken you have ever had awaits chicken that is ethical cared for loved from start to neck twisting end. If ur not comfortable breaking its neck a chicken head sized funnel and a VERY sharp knife does the job the chaos afterwards is just nerves releasing chemicals as long as its quick its completely painless. And hell if u keep ur own chickens they gonna get old and sick and need a quick end opposed to forcing them to suffer on.