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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Great write up! I have to do my standard TOS defence though, it often gets a bad wrap based on what people think they know about it. A lot of the time that is based on things out of context like the Gorn in Arena, although there are a lot of genuine issues modern viewers could have.

    I think if there was a TOS “modern” season of ten of the best or most relevant episodes, or even if you reduce the three seasons to one classic trek season, almost everyone could get some appreciation for it. The Kirk, Spock, Bones dynamic is too good to miss, and the tension in something like The Corbomite Maneuver or Balance of Terror is great. There are some morally grey episodes as well like A Private Little War which, while divisive, I feel deserve to be in such a condensed season.

    Definitely skip Star Trek V though.

  • There’s this weird cultural norm that says TOS is extremely cheesy, Shatner hams up every episode, the sets are all terrible, and it isn’t worth watching. It’s sad because TOS is my favourite and it has so many interesting stories, and Kirk is such a cool captain. Even TAS is worth a watch, especially the episode Yesteryear!

    It’s a real shame TOS got shafted by season 3, and we never got more of its peak due to diminishing budget. That’s what networks love doing though, they can never appreciate a good thing until it’s been off the air for decades and people are clamouring for more.

    I would highly recommend anyone starting off with a collection of some of the best or most relevant episodes of TOS, as well as some of the poor ones like Spock’s Brain. I’ve found at least the bad TOS ones are interesting, but bad TNG ones can be just boring.

  • That’s a fair point, although the original sub wasn’t about interacting during the episode. It was more like a book report format, but done chronologically throughout the series. So they would have a set day where the thread for each episode would go up, people could watch it in their own time, then talk with other people who also had it fresh in their minds.

    You are right though, might as well start it in the main community. I am a big TOS guy but I wonder if it would be better to start with that or TNG