“Move Along Home” would work so much better as a Doctor Who episode. Has a kind of absurdity that is perfect for Who, but stands out in a bad way in Trek.
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“Move Along Home” would work so much better as a Doctor Who episode. Has a kind of absurdity that is perfect for Who, but stands out in a bad way in Trek.
of course not!
Normal, plug and play mice last a long time, with or without firmware updates, which are typically free. I guarantee that nobody will buy this mouse, and if it does release it will stop receiving updates within six months.
Handbrake will probably still work if you compile it from source, but it seems like upstream isn’t paying much attention to libdvdcss support.
The version in Debian’s repo still works for me, anyway.
Yeah, it’s fake, and as other commenters have pointed out, it’s also inaccurate to how the GPLv2 works. It was not meant to convince anyone.
I came across a bunch of those recently, which is how I came up with the idea for this, as a parody :)
Internet horror is disappointingly un-creative. I have no idea why the weakest works (sonic.exe, anti-piracy, kill screens) always end up becoming huge trends, or why so few people try to put a significant twist on said trends.
Tons of companies are shipping Linux without giving users access to the source code, it’s just that only one has the term “Tivoization” named after it.
Saru and Kelvin Spock would probably get along really well. Everyone else would be having heated arguments that I think would be amazing to witness, if not take part in.
I think I’d most like to sit between Mariner and Pike, though.
Actually, I wonder if this show was greenlit in some way because of Prodigy’s cancellation. They’re trying to draw in a younger audience for the sake of the franchise’s long term prospects, but Prodigy didn’t get as many views on Paramount+ as they hoped (and is now on a different service), so they wanted to make a version of that which is better suited to streaming, without the awkward concessions to Nickelodeon’s release schedule.
Though, I think the problem is really Paramount+. A streaming service that is best known for Star Trek and a bunch of dramas that old people watch, is unlikely to get anyone under 30 to subscribe to it for Star Trek.
I’m against a megathread. That would be too busy and I think there will be more than enough to discuss about each episode.
For entirely selfish reasons, I’d like individual discussion threads for each episode that come out one or two a day, since that’s the pace I expect to be watching it (optimistically).
Though, I think the best option for everyone might be five-episode blocks. That would allow both bingewatchers and slower viewers to enjoy the conversation without spamming the feed, and will match up well enough with the “parts” it would have been split into if it aired on Nickelodeon that both broad and individual episode discussions will make sense.
I’m using an AMD Ryzen iGPU on Wayland. I switched to Testing because the support already existed, but the kernel and mesa versions in stable were buggy for my particular GPU and I didn’t want to make a FrankenDebian.
For me, the outdated packages in stable have actually gotten better over time, as DEs get closer to a place where I don’t need any major updates to enjoy using them, Flatpaks become more readily available, and on a subjective level, I get less and less invested in current Linux news. Before Debian became my “forever distro”, I’d hopped to it a few times, and often found myself wishing for a newer piece of software that wasn’t in backports or flathub, or simply being bored with how stable it is, but that’s been happening less and less. And I feel like Debian 12 in particular left me with software that I wouldn’t mind being stuck with for two years.
I’ve gotten warnings to upgrade my browser with Debian’s Firefox ESR, but they never affected a website’s usability in a way that a newer version would fix, and they do provide security updates and new ESR series when they come out; even if you must have the newest Firefox, you can use the Flatpak.
Additionally, I’m currently on testing in order to get better support for my GPU, and each time I’ve tried to use it, it’s worked for me for a longer time than the last as I get better at resolving or avoiding broken packages. If you do experience issues like the one you described, and can replicate them, and no one else has already reported them, you should report them to Debian’s bug tracker. The whole point of Testing is to find and squash all the critical bugs before the next stable releases.
I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to be a mix between Starfleet and Vau N’Akat dress.
Now I’m (tentatively) excited to see how they’ll outdo a season with a novel gimmick in each and every episode, including a musical and a crossover with a parody show, in terms of gimmicky weirdness.
Glad we have a release date now. Although, I hope they go for weekly releases, because I don’t want to feel obligated to binge watch it.
Like I said I’ve only seen the consensus classics there, and it’s been a while. I’m planning to see the rest of it as the Greatest Generation podcast covers it. But it is also probably my least favorite Star Trek show.
TOS: The Cloud Minders. One of the show’s extremely heavy-handed message episodes, this time about classism and labor rights. It’s quite dramatically compelling in addition to expressing its ideas eloquently.
TAS: Beyond the Farthest Star. One of the more “normal” episodes of that series, but it really works for me.
TNG: Contagion. One of the most tense and action-packed TNG episodes, featuring computer malfunctions both amusing and terrifying, but also a great showcase for all the characters, and their ability to combine their talents to solve what seems like an impossible problem, to the point that it’s one of the episodes that got me into Trek in general (alongside Remember Me).
DS9: Visionary. Pretty good episode of time travel weirdness, and one of my go to examples of what I think is best way to go about explaining time travel: don’t explain it, just do whatever wacky shit you want and laugh off the paradoxes with a recurring joke. “I hate temporal mechanics!”
VOY: Latent Image. In addition to being yet another fascinating exploration of the rights and sentience of artificial life, with a hint of an ethical dilemma in there, I really relate to how the Doctor’s trauma responses are described.
DIS: There Is A Tide. I love all of the scenes between Admiral Vance and Osyraa.
PIC: The Impossible Box. I remember that being one of the more tense and well-made episodes of the show, especially Soji’s existential crisis and Picard’s Borg flashbacks, although I find it hard to think in individual episodes with this one.
LD: Veritas. The show hadn’t really clicked with me before this episode. I loved the whole theme about the lack of attention the command crew gives to the ensigns, and how this just adds to their problems.
I’ve only really seen the consensus classics of ENT, and while I have seen SNW and PRO, my favorites are all consensus favorites that get a decent amount of buzz already.
Remember Me was one of the episodes that got me into Star Trek. My parents loved TNG and Voyager, but it was one of the first episodes I actually sat down and watched with them, and the whole premise of everyone disappearing, and how Beverly figured out what was going on, hit my brain in just the right way.
“I can’t stop the heterocyclic declination!” (TNG: “Samaritan Snare”)