Ooh, that is salty! Will give it a try next time the family isn’t around to turn up their noses at my kitchen experiments.
Yeah, Nutella… I think it was the banana+pizza search query that sent me into crêpe-adjacent dessert territory.
I used to make comics. I know that because strangers would look at my work and immediately share their most excruciatingly banal experiences with me:
— that time a motorised wheelchair cut in front of them in the line at the supermarket;
— when the dentist pulled the wrong tooth and they tried to get a discount;
— eating off an apple and finding half a worm in it;
every anecdote rounded of with a triumphant “You should make a comic about that!”
Then I would take my 300 pages graphic novel out of their hands, both of us knowing full well they weren’t going to buy it, and I’d smile politely, “Yeah, sure. Someday.”
“Don’t try to cheat me out of my royalties when you publish it,” they would guffaw and walk away to grant comics creator status onto their next victim.
Nowadays I make work that feels even more truly like comics to me than that almost twenty years old graphic novel. Collage-y, abstract stuff that breaks all the rules just begging to be broken. Linear narrative is ashes settling in my trails, montage stretched thin and warping in new, interesting directions.
I teach comics techniques at a university level based in my current work. I even make an infrequent podcast talking to other avantgarde artists about their work in the same field.
Still, sometimes at night my subconscious whispers the truth in my ear: Nobody ever insists I turn their inane bullshit nonevents into comics these days, and while I am a happier, more balanced person as a result of that, I guess that means I don’t make comics any longer after all.
Ooh, that is salty! Will give it a try next time the family isn’t around to turn up their noses at my kitchen experiments.
Yeah, Nutella… I think it was the banana+pizza search query that sent me into crêpe-adjacent dessert territory.
I’m genuinely curious, can’t find many banana pizza recipes that aren’t smeared with nutella as well. I assume this is a white pizza base since you mention mascarpone? Then banana topping with a sprinkle of grated hard cheese?
Oh absolutely! That’s pretty much a 400 year bracket starting with Disco s1 (2257 CE). Plenty of opportunity for Mirror Universe shenanigans even beyond the Picard years.
What was Cronenberg Kovich’s line about that again? “The Mirror Universe has been drifting away” or some such?
I’m willing to bet the Terran Empire tried some multiversal invasion that exploded in their collective face and blew them across the quantum plane (if that’s a thing). The Quantum portal could easily be written into that.
Tell me more, I’m a glutton for punishment.
This show has been a balm for my worst nerd impulses since episode 1, and I will miss it. As finales go, I think this was damn near perfect, too.
Like others have mentioned, Rutherford’s sudden frustration with the Cerritos felt a little off to me, but that’s really small fry in the larger picture of
a bona fide, stable quantum portal to parallel universes hanging around the Alpha quadrant since 2382!
Wow, you’d think that would have been brought up even tangentially in Prodigy or chronologically later set shows? It could even feasibly have been used to
bring Mirror Giorgiou home to her own universe in Discovery s3.
But what do I know, it might not be as stable as it looked in this episode…
I’ve been thinking the same thing. The first season felt a little like a patchwork of different visions.
I’m glad for what we got, I’m one of the people who actually liked Disco from the beginning. It would be interesting to hear his roadmap in more detail, though.
Or just Google doing their best filter bubble. I don’t think they have any useable info on me any more, haven’t used their search for ages.
Either way, I’ll take your word for it and just thank my lucky star that I can continue to use Newpipe without problems.
Okay, I’ll click your Google link —
It looks like there aren’t many great matches for your search
— and certainly none mentioning Newpipe 🤷
Cannot confirm, in my usage I have never encountered this. I use Newpipe almost daily and do not have a YT login.
Occasionally Google has done something (deliberately or coincidentally) to limit third party app access, but that’s usually worked around very quickly.
Defo go for F-droid! Dunno if it’s baked into Graphene but I use it almost exclusively on Android.
I also recommend Firefox/Fennec with the Web Archives add-on for viewing paywalled articles. You will be depending on others archiving the full version to read them, but with most larger outlets they will.
Context? Graphene related advice?
For Youtube w/o ads just use Newpipe, an open source, privacy aware, third party app. You’ll never need to log into Youtube again. And it’s not even piracy, even if Google might think differently 🙂
Interesting piece, didn’t know about iOS stealth apps, and the ages of the accused certainly makes the news stand out —
— but can we talk about that hilariously bad “AI” generated picture they chose to illustrate it? That disembodied hand left of centre holding up the “iPhone”?
I see. That sucks.
Sharedrop is self hostable.
Other, serverless solutions are
Check out Github Pages on how to publish a site hosted in Github. I never did this myself, so take this as hearsay. Basically it allows you to publish a repo of markdown files to HTML pages without local tools like pandoc.
I did a quick lookaround for advice on setting up a wiki-only site, and I couldn’t find an easy answer. Have a look through this awesome-list for ideas and best practices.
Improved autocorrect and grammar check is literally the only acceptable use of “AI” that I can think of.
Not fake, just ~4 years old spoilers. Also, there’s a twist after that.