And has bad memory, regreSSHion wasn’t even half a year ago
What the fuck is that title
Why does she look like something out of Mandela Catalogue?
Lemme try this
Cold Turkey
Force yourself to use another editor like Zed, don’t use vim keybinds and get reintegrated into pleb life
no real-world use found for staying more than one version behind
The ssh vulnerability didn’t affect Debian because the packages were too many versions behind
Uhm actually you mean ligmaballsnux
Number one argument to not use Linux
I closed the terminal, the second time I googled how to quit
What if we discuss Debian?
Kid named programs above OS-level:
Isn’t it just a kubuntu fork with mainly visual changes?
There are functionally worse distros out there
There is only one distro: Hannah Montana Linux
Babe wake up, a new copypasta just dropped
Yeah, I really liked my prof for some of the programming courses, but also damn him for making us write code on paper in the exams
This makes me feel bad for the candidates but gave me the confidence boost I need right now
Someone write a script for gonewildaudio