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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • We need to get ahead of this. In a few short hours, maybe just a day or two, they will consolidate support around Trump again.

    Our job is to meme the best lines of Trump’s insanity as much as possible, and spread the message far and wide. Trump is easily manipulated by Kamala. Trump’s only leaders he respected tonight were Venezuela and Hungary / Orban. I dunno, I’m bad with memes. But you all get the gist.

    /r/conservative will get itself together shortly. But we need to spike the football tonight.

  • dragontamer@lemmy.worldtoRPGMemes @ttrpg.networkBoobplate (Ironlily)
    18 days ago

    That’s just called 1600s era half plate.

    As halberds and other armor penetrating weapons became normal (and Guns), the focus of armorers was on deflection rather than outright stopping blows.

    Also, iron became cheaper and thus mass produced. So in some sense armor got worse, but far more people were wearing armor. The small bits (gloves, legs, etc etc) couldn’t be custom made per person anymore because of mass production templates. But armor was well on its way out by then anyway as guns were obviously the future.

  • dragontamer@lemmy.worldtoRPGMemes @ttrpg.networkBoobplate (Ironlily)
    18 days ago

    True. But it keeps happening.

    Be it two thousand years ago or 500 years ago. Sexy armor proves that humans haven’t really changed.

    Kings and generals don’t really find themselves alone on the front lines. The armor is nearly ceremonial, no one is supposed to take a shot at the king. Even if the king were expected to visit the front lines.

    As such, kings, princes and other nobles never had practical armor. It’s all armor-fashion and status symbols (including sexualization, when said sexualization was in fashion).

  • Science is not perfect, especially in a field like psychology.

    No kidding.

    Your argument to prove the efficacy of this is basically “Trust in the decades of Psychological Research”. To which I have to say…

    My Psychology teacher from High School warned me that Psychology started as a Freudian Pseudo-science, turned into a Phrenology pseudo-science to help make Japanese people look dumber for WW2 propaganda purposes, and then had a bunch of poorly done experiments in the 1950s-1980s for various political games.

    Anyone who has studied anything about psychology and its history as a subject is, and should be, 100% skeptical of everything. Including long-standing (decades or even century long) traditions like… IQ Tests or Freudian Psychosexuality.

    It’s just science.

    Psychology has a huge incident rate into pseudo-science / fake topics. I’m sure there’s legitimate discoveries in here but I’m also sure that a huge amount of this field is bullshit.

    But maybe I’m just a closted mother-lover in my subconcious who is suppressing my feelings of anger towards my father. My Asian skull is smaller than white people skulls so I can’t think quite as well as some of you out there. Let along deal with issues of statistical auto-correlation or other such issues that occur in more modern studies.

    Its not the science that’s bad per se, its the politics that always get in the way. Psychology has a huge number of bad actors in it. And when the ultimate discussion point is “Look at these people… AGGRESSIVELY answering these word-game puzzles with more aggressive words. This proves that they’re more aggressive”… I’m rolling my eyes into the back of my head so hard that I’m honestly throwing this entire piece away. Its not science by my standards.

    But if its science by your standards, that’s… fine I guess.

    I get that we don’t want to return to the 1970s where we get children to push a button to shock animals, and then determine the length-of-time or frequency of this to use as a proxy as “aggression”. And I understand the need and struggle of modern psychologies to try to come up with modern tests that are humane and effective.

    But I have severe concerns that this test isn’t testing anything at all, aside from the biases of the tester.

  • Because it would be unethical to try to deliberately provoke children into aggressive behaviour, the boys were then asked to complete a commonly used cognitive task to measure how aggressive they felt in response to the feedback. This involved completing a series of words. For example, the letters “gu_” could become either “gun” (aggressive) or “gut” (not aggressive).

    What the fuck is this drivel?

    This ‘study’ doesn’t study aggression at all. It studies how different people perform in a game of mad libs and then calls some of that aggression.

    I’m sure there is a way to measure toxic masculinity. But I grew up in the video game era when people thought playing Mortal Kombat would turn you into the fucking Columbine shooters. It’s all bullshit fake pseudo-psychology.

    Be very wary of this fake science. There are good researchers out there but this methodology described here is some of the worst shit I’ve seen for proxy aggression ever.

  • I mean, when people point out that Joe Biden is a Neocon who supports Israel and USAs rightful dominant place in the world… Erm I agree with that and want to vote for him.

    I’m a Neocon. And proud of it and can defend a lot of my positions.

    What pisses me off about the new wave of conservatives is that it’s all reactionary. There is no guiding philosophy.

    With regards to neoconservatives: I know we get a bad rap since Bush. But events like Ukraine show the importance of us being the stalwart defenders and stepping up to challenges around the world.

    But thats the thing. I’ll tell you that while proudly wearing my colors as a Neocon. This ‘Libs of TikTok’ bullshit is just fucking awful politics. We can’t actually work or talk around our issues when people are pretending to be on the wrong sides of debates

    Politics shouldn’t be about ‘owning’ the other side. Politics should be about effectively communicating our beliefs to each other, especially our disagreements. And finding compromises where possible.

    Anyway, it’s Joever to some extent so I guess all in on Kamala. She’s still acceptable to my philosophy if only because Trump + JD Vance is such a bad choice. So y’all got my vote this year, at least temporarily.

  • Unlike you and your ilk, I’m willing to go outside the safe zone (fkn lol) and interact with people who have different opinions. Only cowards stay in their little bubbles chit talking day in and day out. And that’s a knock at both leftists and rightists.

    I’m a Republican. This area is outside my safe zone. But outrage politics affects us all and I judge people who engage in it harshly.

    But sure. Judge me harder daddy. I haven’t stated my opinion yet, I’m simply pointing out that you’re engaging in outrage politics and you probably shouldn’t be flexing on that.

  • If Elon fucks it all to hell they’ll break the company into pieces, sell the various pieces to other auto manufacturers and life will move on

    You mean like Delorian? Or Fisker Ocean?

    Nah man. When a car company goes under, they’re dead. We know what it looks like. Otherwise, the #1 car recommend should be Fisker Ocean since its like $25k per car right now. But we all know that company is dead and no one will buy it out of bankruptcy, save those cars, or offer services (or parts) on those cars moving forward.

    Same thing if Tesla ever collapses. At best maybe some patents get bought out but no one will want to be left paying the bill and supporting the (now screwed) customer base.

    A bunch of auto manufacturers are switching their primary port, that’s another way of fucking your charging network

    I don’t think you realize how much Elon fucked over Superchargers with the firing.

    There were projects with $50,000+ to $300k amounts put up by local businesses as they prepared for Tesla Superchargers to be installed in their parking lots earlier this year.

    These businesses have gotten ZERO emails, phone or any other communication from Tesla. Why? Because the company fired everyone. Everyone involved in Superchargers is gone. That’s no more build out, no more maintenance, no more nothing.

    Presumably Elon will figure out (eventually) that this is a bad idea. But then what? He already betrayed a huge number of business customers. Who will want to install new Superchargers in their business after this misstep?

    Like I get it. Tesla is losing money and they needed to fire people to keep going. But its not a good look.

  • The charger network: Superchargers are so much more plentiful than the alternatives, and there’s still not a great central charging app. I have 3 different ones installed on my phone and honestly most of them suck besides Tesla’s. Non-tesla chargers are basically just at apartments, businesses, and malls. Very few of which actually help me

    Good thing Elon Musk fired the entire Supercharger team then.


    Yes, Elon is a massive piece of shit. You know who else is? Every auto exec. The only difference is that they’re quiet and effective. Those old money fucks have done so much more harm to our planet because they know how to influence politics effectively. Something something, ethical consumption, something, something, capitalism

    Other autodealers aren’t fucking their own company over by destroying the top reason you listed for buying their cars. We’re well into the point where its clear that Elon is a terrible businessman not just morally, but also for you as the Tesla customer. There’s no way Superchargers can be maintained (let alone expand) if the team is gone.