If you can grow your own tomatoes, give Amish Paste Heirlooms a try.
They grow small, but a single plant can produce hundreds of low acidity balanced tomato fruits that are perfect for pasta sauce.
IT Nerd of 30yrs and avid hobbiest of genealogy, geology and science in general.
If you can grow your own tomatoes, give Amish Paste Heirlooms a try.
They grow small, but a single plant can produce hundreds of low acidity balanced tomato fruits that are perfect for pasta sauce.
Toto, in Thai means baby… don’t ask.
You get a menu, you pick the person you want to see, you pick the item (living, dead or inanimate object) and what you want them to do with it; usually a hole.
example of one
I assume you’ve never been to Thailand.
That’s a tame (and already existing) fetish compared to some of the things I’ve seen there.
Free STD with every purchase!
Invested in 2012, refunded in 2016. Best move I ever made in a game.
Looks like a smudge until you unfocus your eyes anyway.
Great until it grabs some skin or hair
Cloud? Neva heard of it! AI is where the money is at now.
Buzzwords, that’s all they are.
vim with global ls_colors and dircolors kinda user huh? Nothing wrong with that.
On a default install on NP++ you can only save as rtf, but there are addable plugins that give some rtf functionality. So as a direct answer, no, it doesn’t, but it can.
Microsoft: We can’t spy on your usage when you use wordpad, use O365 instead! (guessing since MS recommends using O365 Word in its place).
TBH, I haven’t used wordpad since Windows 98. Not saying others don’t use it, but Notepad++ and a myriad of other options are better anyway.
Jonny 5: I’m alive dammit!
Then there’s Star Citizen… Eternity isn’t that long, is it?
I’ve been following Anand and his replacements there at Anandtech since Anand only did early youtube type videos on Yahoo lol. Anand was considered a n00b by Comdex goers and reviewers alike. Back then, competition from the likes of Kyle @ [H]ardOCP, John @ AMDZone, cmdrtaco @ /., TheInquirer (now theregister), Sharky Extreme, Tomshardware and many others I honestly don’t remember off the top of my head that really ruled the roost.
Anand made a name for himself in the company of some very tough competition.
Hats off to the man and his team over the years, they had a really great run.
JD Vance has it in his shopping cart.
I see, I still giggle when I do it, on Lemmy to!
Issue with these Amish Heirlooms in hydroponic setups is that unlike other tomatoes they grow LONG, like up to 16 foot branches that produce tomatoes then the entire branch dies off. It’ll then grow more long branches and repeat.