I make comics sometimes: https://linktr.ee/ahdok

  • 108 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • Yep.

    As best I can find, rooting through old Forgotten Realms lore, the colours of the Tymoran church are normally blue and silver.

    For my comics, I made the Tower of Luck use green as it’s main colour for stuff, to mimic the green baize of gambling tables. Gold accents to symbolize wealth - since the Tower of Luck is much more focused on luck and gambling than the good fortune and karma focus that the rest of the faith normally has. It’s my general intention to slip gambling references and symbology into the church whenever the characters are there.

  • I’ve found that almost every one-shot I played in took 2-3 sessions.

    I’ve managed to run 100% of my one-shots to time though, Here are some tips that can help with that.

    • Always schedule an encounter before the final battle that’s an optional scene, take it out if you’re over-running.
    • Make sure to have NPCs around who can hurry the characters along if they’re dawdling too much.
    • Write plotlines that contain an element that motivates the characters to solve them soon (e.g. kidnapping, escaping villains, deadlines for results.)
    • Make regular sacrifices to Chronos, the god of time.
    • Try to run scenarios where the characters start already knowing each other, so introductions can be sorted out in summary during the introduction, rather than at the table during play.
    • Release a swarm of ravenous goats into the room 15 minutes before the session is supposed to end.
    • Make sure your that your one-shot is planned to take about half the time that your group could spend at the table, so you can over-run a little without trouble.
    • Try to keep table-talk to a minimum, request players put their phones away before you start.
    • Plan to have food after the one-shot finishes, so people start getting hungry and push the game along.

  • That’s a fair assessment - although Rime of the Frostmaiden takes place just north of the coloured region (the ten towns aren’t really on that map at all.)

    Of course, one of the advantages of this is that you have a vast amount of “undefined” space to grow your campaign into if you want to make something up. Need to set your game in a kingdom with a monarch and political dealings? Why not Cormyr or Sembia? It’s not like there’s any published materials on what’s been going on there in the last 200 years. Want a place where the Zhentharim are in charge and the local towns and villages are under the control of warring mercenary groups? How about the north Moonsea area, where Zenthil Keep is? Want to convert your game to a steampunk campaign without leaving Forgotten Realms? Boy do I have boat tickets to Lantan that you would love.

    While none of this stuff has recent lore, the Forgotten Realms wiki has some surface level detail for everywhere, mostly cribbed from older editions. It’s a really good resource if you want to take your campaign somewhere more exploratory, just have a read of what was there, and build your campaign ideas on top of it. Works a treat I think.