Well, there’s this case.
Well, there’s this case.
There are cases of arsonist fire fighters which is an even stronger analogy.
Those who claim to fight fires are often the ones setting them, so they can be seen as the heroes who extinguish them.
There was a similar case that happened on a college campus in America. Five 18 year -old students, all of whom can legally consent, lured a guy toward the dorms through a dating app. When he arrived, the students swarmed him with phones out calling him a pedophile. They are now being charged.
I’m going to be honest, I’m suspicious of every single ‘pedophile hunter’. They are going after a demographic that people will not rush to defend, even if innocent.
Also, these ‘hunters’ probably have something shady going on in their own lives, and this is some form of projection that they also profit off of.
It’s far more complicated than a simple meme can convey.
But, ML’s typically believe a vanguard party will seize the state on behalf of the proletariat and usher in a socialist state that will take an undetermined amount of time to transition into a communist state-less society.
When the CCP is doing the same thing to Uyghur Muslims that Israel is doing to Gazans, which is to violate the rights and freedoms of people who do not perfectly align with their ideology, they exhibit cognitive dissonance. I’m an anarchist and know very well how Marxist-Leninists feel about us. We’ve been betrayed in Catalonia, Ukraine, and Kronstadt. We are fundamentally opposed to any kind of authoritarian rule and they kind of need that rule to begin their socio-political experiment.
What if the balloons were long and vertical like the ones in Dune? That could allow them to walk closer to one another.
deleted by creator
Sure, but that was before almost every app was a Nazi app.
Why? They can be just as stupidly racist.
Please don’t assume what I do and don’t know about history lmao. I’m very aware of the history of scientific racism. I studied sociology and anthropology in university which is the academic antithesis of scientific racism as a pseudoscience. The modern concept of we understand today was developed by a Swedish botanist, Carl Linnaeus, and a German professor of medicine, Johann Frederich Blumenbach, in the late 17th century.
What you’ve mentioned isn’t really that far off from my initial comment. You’re just going to into more historical detail about my claim that racism derives from Western European imperialism/colonialism.
That’s a stretch, and ironically, such a black and white perspective. At the end of the day, it’s just a meme. A meme joking about one group of people’s extreme form of recreation is not making the absolute claim that non-whites don’t do any of these things.
But, there is truth to the statement that white Westerners are able to travel more with disposable income. Facts are not racist. Pointing those facts out in a lighthearted meme is not racist, to white people nor non-white people.
Would it be racist to make the claim that white British people were able to colonize several countries while Thailand was not? No, because that’s a historical fact; one that also explains why white Westerners today have more disposable income on average than non-whites.
In a roundabout way, you want to point at this meme and say it’s racist against non-whites but this was most likely made by a non-white person pointing out what they have noticed in our country, pertaining the subject of race and socioeconomic background. That being said, there are plenty of extremely impoverished white people in America. That doesn’t negate the truth of this meme though.
Because it’s not really racist, is it? I don’t see how this meme contributes to the suffering or oppression of any white person. I suppose the meme can be taken in different ways. Some people are perceiving it as racist. Others are perceiving it as one of the admirable characteristics of white people.
Something I’ve noticed about a lot of white people who do take offense to memes like this is that they simply do not like being made aware of their race at all, which is just not a reality most non-white people get to experience.
Best way I can explain American’s “fixation” on race is that our country’s history is based on the attempt to create a racist white utopia through law (slavery, ethnic cleansing, manifest destiny, segregation, Jim Crow, private prisons etc.).
Many of the historical debates, protests, rebellions, riots, and wars we’ve had were largely surrounding the issue of racial equality. And… it never went away because racist white people have evolved their political tactics. They still want “the South to rise again”, they still want “to Make American Great Again”, they still want segregation, slavery, and woman subordination.
You might be thinking, “it’s not that serious”, but the mere fact that America is becoming the de facto Nazi Regime of the West now says it all. Hitler was deeply inspired by America’s Jim Crow laws and used it as a platform to address “the Jewish Question”. But, White American’s racism didn’t just materialize out of nothing. It’s descendant of Western Imperialism and Colonialism that was being exported across the globe by Europeans who had finally come to a geopolitical status quo on their continent after checks notes thousands of years of fighting over whose nation and religion is better.
TL;DR: American’s being fixated on race is just the next phase of geopolitical infighting that came after thousands of years of Europeans fixating on nationality and religion, both of which are becoming less relevant each day than one’s ethnic and cultural identity.
The problem is, they are going for low hanging fruit by targeting unknowns with little to no representation.
Catholic priests have the full force of the Catholic Church to protect them from legal attacks that some dinky YouTuber will not be able to combat.
Also, Catholic priests do not need to go on dating apps or websites where they could potentially get lured because they are most likely targeting the children in their parish, under their direct control.