This was immediately above the 196 post you copied in my feed
This was immediately above the 196 post you copied in my feed
You’re right, I’m sorry. I would advise you not to eat nothing but Chicken McNuggets
Something tells me he was also getting fiber, vitamins, and minerals from somewhere during that time, so unless you have a dietician on call to help you balance that out, don’t eat nothing but Chicken McNuggets.
Total asceticism isn’t sustainable. Indulge in things that bring you joy, and recognize that over-indulgence cheapens the experience and has other drawbacks. Find the balance that works for you, otherwise you’re just sacrificing mental health for physical.
Too complicated for 90% of voters to comprehend.
They saw: Democrat president made my groceries more expensive
They heard: Democrat replacement will do things around the same as they used to be. Republican guy is going to do things VERY differently.
And the herd mentality took over past that point
I don’t thinks that’s what the flavor "Rocky Road’ means
Syntax error: Unmatched parentheses on paragraph 5
No! You’re supposed to be miserable for your entire youth by saving and investing every penny you don’t need to survive! That way you can afford all the medical bills and therapy you’ll need when you’re old and retired and have had a life devoid of joy!!
Sigma grindset!!!
Ngl I legitimately forgot it’s October and not still September
3 months and 8 days…
Discord is the new snapchat
If a take is so bad that I would be stooping multiple levels downto even reply to it, I block the user.
I don’t have to look at takes that bad, and neither do you
You wake up 8 hours later
“Meter’s runnin, that’ll be $11,245.05”
Full size for full size trick-or-treaters, fun size for fun size trick-or-treaters
Keep the spirit alive for the teens, they need more wonder in their lives than the kids do anyway
Inaniloquency, Noun. The quality of being inaniloquent.
Inaniloquent, Adjective. Tending to speak inanely; loquacious; garrulous.
This isn’t a smart play, but it forced Nintendo to spend more of their legal team’s time on him, rather than the emulation community, so I support his suicide mission.
Op should have used “I’m finna rawdog this jawn no backup style”
For no reason other than mixed US slang from different regions sounds funnier to my ear
Statistically the deadliest enemy in Mario
They’re not wrong though
Hyundai is listening to what consumers want much more readily than other manufacturers, and their body designs strike an incredible balance between modern familiarity and retrofuturism. It’s almost exactly what I want from a new vehicle, other than the fact that they use all the same forced telemetry that other brands are using.
They’re also offering a great spread of electric AND hybrid vehicles to satisfy consumers worried about charger availability as well as consumers worried about the impact of gasoline-powered vehicles.
I won’t be surprised if they continue to increase their market share for a long time to come. If only privacy concerns were as common among the broader population as they seem to be here in the Fediverse, then maybe they might address those issues as well and be a no-brainer purchase.