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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • I always got downvoted for saying it too on a PIRACY sub! Shits wild.

    Is it? It sounds more like the people on the privacy subs had morals and knew their limits.

    If you go to the bar and the bartender says “drinks are on the house!”, you’re still not going to go and order every single drink on the menu. You’re not going to go off and drink yourself under the table, just because you personally don’t have to pay for it. You understand that there’s an opportunity to have something for free and you respectfully take up the offer and enjoy yourself.

    Yes, video game practices are often downright toxic: Paying DLC for content that’s already on your PC/ Disk. Unfinished games, loot boxes, low quality remasters, buggy releases - I get it. I’m not going to spend $70 of my hard earned money on some crap and have it be half the product I was promised, or have DRM that prevents me from playing the game further into the future.

    But what about great indie titles like Baldurs Gate 3? Where’s the justification there? It’s some honest Devs who put everything into an amazing product. Why not spend the money you’ve saved up on other piracies on a well-deserved title?

    Some smaller indie titles need every sale. It literally pays for their livelihood. Why pirate their work too?

    There’s honour among thieves. There’s a code to not screw over the people who are making games for the love of it. If you don’t care about any of that, fine. But don’t go around bragging about it like it’s your God-given right to steal.

    Stealing everything from everyone isn’t something you should be proud of. We all can’t afford a lot of things atm, and that’s understandable. But there are people out there trying to afford stuff by selling those very same games. Have a bit of respect for the game.

  • This… Isn’t the answer.

    More to the point, every answer to this question is talking about something completely different. Vader was distracted. Vader was only clued into Leia’s existence after Luke thought about her. Vader had too much on his plate…!

    But this answer, even among all the above, is reaching at things that just make no sense. By your logic, every force user would be crippled at the battle of Geonosis, with hundreds of jedi and sith present.

    Qui-Gon and a young Obi-Wan took on Darth Maul, where the latter was able to use his ability without seemingly any hindrance at all. Similarly with Obi-Wan and Anakin against Count Dooku. When Yoda steps in, it’s 3 jedi against Dooku. There’s no evidence of Dooku bring weakened, as he matches Yoda in force abilities without much effort. By your logic, the sith in both encounters should have been weakened. That is clearly not the case.

    The simple and obvious truth is this: at the time of writing, Lucas never intended for Leia to be Luke’s sister (hence their kiss) and so, there simply wasn’t anything for Darth Vader to sense. Retconning that and then adding in some wishy-washy explanation just trashes the credibility of the franchise.