I’ll be your shooting star~ Wish upon me and I’ll be there to SUCK YOUR BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • I’m the wanderer.

    Terrible story, I went to a foreign city with some friends and got black out on tequila for the first and last time. Apparently I left our motel without letting anyone know to go perform urban parkour. I somehow failed to clear a 2nd floor jump and based on the imprint in my one shoe, landed entirely with my right heel. Clean break.

    My phone log showed that instead of calling anyone I was with or maybe medical assistance, I tried to call my boss 3 times before giving up entirely. I only have memory of some nurses later asking if I wanted to go to a hospital, but I denied them and slept it off. Guess I was found eventually, lol.

  • We are slaves, but in a widely interpret-able sense such in that we are slaves to our desires or materialism. That can be overcome to a degree, although I understand not wanting to and you shouldn’t have to.

    What I’m referring to is Justin’s wording and how it implies we are working-class slaves to serve societies needs rather than our own first. Like, I wish your situation was better, but I’m glad you have something to fall back on that keeps ya truckin’ another day ya know? It feels like Justin expects you to reduce gaming and work more because “the numbers”. We’re humans! We have needs!

    Like fuck, I re-read the limited article and he’s actually saying he’s interpreting one of his own sources:

    the survey doesn’t differentiate between electronic and non-electronic games, but most researchers assume it’s chiefly the former

    What researchers? It’s never cited. (or is it…?) This reads like rhetoric stink meant to farm anxiety and outrage from out-of-touch, financially-invested old farts, but again I can’t even read the article and clicking anywhere on web.archive causes the entire page to disappear q.q

  • The archive link doesn’t load past the starting text. Can only read the introductory paragraph.

    I’m gaming less the more time goes on. I’m so stressed from the current state of affairs I can barely focus on a game without thinking of my current responsibilities.

    I absolutely am working less though. Why would I, its worthless where I am to make anything beyond survival. I’m in one of the most expensive places in Canada. Rather, that free time can be dedicated to getting out of this hole at least.

    Buh, the glimpse I got from the article comes off like we’re slaves. “Luring young men from the workplace” sounds so insidious. Logically, they have to be able to afford that luxury. Thus, they need to work to play. A very small majority somehow exploit the system to play indefinitely, but they’re far less of a problem compared to actual financial exploiters (1% and… up?) What about TV? What about sports? ‘Sports is literally draining people of their time and energy that can be dedicated to work!!’ /s Fuck off, Justin Von Gooberville. I don’t know what I’m expecting from a financial opinion piece though. Especially one I can’t read completely lol. Maybe it all comes together at the end.

    It comes together at the end, right? With well cited sources to boot?

  • ☆Luma☆@lemmy.catoMemes@lemmy.mlThis is Fine.
    1 year ago

    Bro this isn’t about veganism, I love the taste of bacon too. What I read in that article is absolutely fucked. A small quote:

    Male piglets at the farm have their tails cut off and testicles ripped out by hand without anesthesia or pain relief, both standard practices in the industry. The investigator filmed employees tossing the testicles at each other and at a wall that was covered in them.