No they aren’t. Deer are often struck mid-bound which will absolutely send them flying into your windshield. Also, depending on what part of the world you are in, deer can get pretty huge.
No they aren’t. Deer are often struck mid-bound which will absolutely send them flying into your windshield. Also, depending on what part of the world you are in, deer can get pretty huge.
It’s about blood flow. Your nose is not only filled with mucus, it’s also inflamed. Prioritizing blood flow to other parts of your body will temporarily alleviate that swelling, allowing you to breath again. Light exercise works just as well.
I can’t tell if this is just a silly joke or an astute observation of depression.
Who looks more ridiculous? The monkey that paid a stupid amount of money for a delicious treat they couldn’t have gotten at home, or the monkey that paid a stupid amount of money for someone else to peel a regular ass banana for them? It’s a pretty basic “don’t throw stones in glass houses” analogy.
Imagine you wanted children and then someone would come along and castrate you because there’s a problem with overpopulation. You take away an individaul’s choice of reproduction for the greater good. And it makes sense, but the lack of consent or even understandment does not sit well with me.
You’re anthropomorphizing animals too much. Cats don’t “want” children. Beyond a basic biological need they don’t give a shit about procreation. It’s not even a difficult question, ethically speaking. In almost every environment they exist in cats are considered invasive, reproduce like crazy, and tend to be incredibly destructive to local species. To be clear, I don’t think there is anything wrong with owning a cat, but it’s important to do so responsibly.
I haven’t pieced out why yet but I have recently realized that phone calls are a huge anxiety trigger for me.
My biggest fear about a Google breakup would be what that does to the mobile market, specifically in the US, given the iPhone’s popularity here.
Also if you insist on buying COD, please don’t make me pay extra for it to be included on game pass. I don’t want that shit.
It’s also a fantastic way to steal the superior ideas that your players have misremembered and to reinforce the ones that resonated with them.
Yeah apparently being white and having a beard with a hint of unfortunate RBF is enough to signal racist around here. The toughest part is when it’s coming from your professional superiors.
Here’s the thing: you’re right to feel that way depending on your surroundings. I work in construction in Texas (and kinda look the part) and it is astonishing how many people are willing to buy into bullshit, and expect you to do the same, because that’s what everyone else does. Finding another family that isn’t gargling right wing propaganda, “god-fearing”, or just one brand of asshole is so difficult around here.
Since our children were born we have been increasingly intolerant of all that nonsense. This has unfortunately led to our support system dwindling away because we aren’t willing to compromise on the morale standards we want our kids exposed to.
After 3rd Gen I definitely won’t be going back to nest. Mine is completely incapable of connecting to Wi-Fi which means I can no longer schedule it or operate remotely.
This is patently untrue. I want Lemmy to be successful as much as any other user on here but reddit had 150-200 million MAU in 2016. Lemmy is being recorded as a generous 2 million.
Oh, weird. They don’t require prints for a DL in TX, but we’re already closing in on an authoritarian state anyways. I didn’t know this was a thing.
That’s the fun part about the war for privacy. We have already lost and if you make a big deal about it they’re just going to make your life hell!
I agree with you, but there have absolutely been games (specifically in Pathfinder 1E) that I had to approach from a mindset of trying to win. PCs can get so ridiculously overpowered in that game that it can be difficult to balance combat properly and sometimes requires you to pull out all the stops to make combat encounters engaging.
I don’t like this being a focal point, but I think it’s worth asking if you don’t mind: what is your income like? Reality being what it is, that can make a measurable difference.
Schoolie mad!
Anyway I hope I hope online artists, and authors are able to use this to sue AI companies for stealing their copyrighted works.
No no no no, this is part of the trickle down economics we’ve been promised for decades. It only works going down, not punching up.
Also: Batman