• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Except a lot of the taste comes from receptors in the nose. They get the most info with the food on the top. The tongue has only very basic information about the food and is there to determine if we should spit it out because it is poison or get as much as we can because it is high caloric stuff.

    Fun fact, the way the tongue works is very different from how many people think. Each little taste bud can detect one or two aspects depending on its specialization. They can detect sweet, savoriness (umami) , bitter and sour. Salt is detected in a different way. Sweet and umami are detected by the same bud, where bitter and sour each have their own specialized buds. Most of the little pink buds on the tongue aren’t taste buds, but there are still a lot of taste buds all over the tongue.

    With the taste buds the brain takes a “picture” of the food. It receives a signal from each taste bud in regards to the level of taste they receive. The brain learns to interpret these pictures in what the food tastes like, supplemented by the nose and the salt levels. Since each tongue is different and each brain is different, tastes are very personal and can be different for different people. Tastes evolve over time, so it can even differ for the same person as they get older.

    When first drinking something like coffee or beer, the brain gets very confused. These are complex tastes and the brain has a hard time of figuring out what it’s tasting. Since it can be very bitter with coffee for example, the brain thinks it might be poisonous, so revulsion is often a first response. However when sticking with it the brain learns to make sense of the jumble and might like the complexity. These are so called acquired tastes.

  • Thorry84@feddit.nltoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldOof ouch owie
    15 days ago

    People call 911 because they are having a medical issue, cops show up and shoot them and their dog, plus the neighbors dog for good measure. Shitheads actually attempt a coup, try to hang congress people, invade government offices, somehow only one of them gets shot. It makes 0 sense.

  • Really I’m gonna need a source for that old timey radio claim. Because that sounds like it’s made up and even if it’s not, correlation does not mean causation.

    There is no known mechanism for non ionizing radiation to have ANY effect on the human body or individual cells besides from a warming effect. And even the warming effect is quite small, there are normally a lot of other factors that have a way bigger effect on the temperature. See the Mythbusters episode where they tried to warm a chicken on a radar emitter. The turning of the radar cooled it down more than any warming from the radar did.

    If there is any truth to claims that non ionizing radiation harms humans, physicists would be all over that. That would mean new physics in an area where there hasn’t been any new stuff for a long time now.

    But it turns out we understand it pretty well and see no mechanism for any harm to occur. In that context all of the studies that find no relation are meaningful. If there seems to be no relation and there isn’t a mechanism to do anything, why would anybody think there is anything to find? Turns out it always comes down to FUD, to further some kind of an agenda.

  • A cancer on humanity? That’s a bit dramatic.

    You know you don’t have to have it dancing in rainbow patterns right? You can choose any color you like and even have it be static. I have most of my keys in blue, with the function and numpad in a soft white. This is a relaxing layout for me that helps me focus. But if you hate it so much, simply turn the lights off, that was always an option. Plus I think you are overreacting a bit, there are plenty of good keyboards out there without rgb that don’t cost much.

  • I know a lot of folk that work at MS or have worked there, they are all very good people. They are highly motivated professionals that are top in their field. MS is a rich company and they recruit the best they can. However those are not the people making any kind of decisions. And it’s a cut throat company, if the budget gets cut, you are out on your ass. At least in most of the world, where strong employee protection isn’t a thing.

    Don’t get me wrong, MS has a lot of bad apples just like any other company. Useless managers who say dumb shit and take praise for other peoples work. A leadership that doesn’t care about anything except their bonuses and the bottom line. But at least as far as the engineers go, there’s plenty of really good folk.

    People also seem to forget how huge MS actually is. And a lot of the time the different branches within the company are as far away from each other as can be. Even within the same branch one can only talk to so many people.

  • One of the most annoying things YT does to me is recommend videos I’ve already watched. Like I get it, they are perfect for me, exactly the type of video I watch. That’s why I’ve already seen them. And because I don’t have the memory of a housefly, I actually remember what the video was about. If I wanted to watch it again, I would navigate to my history or the channel it’s from and rewatch it there.

    It makes absolutely no sense to me, why recommend videos I’ve already seen?

    I use a browser plugin to hide those videos, but it doesn’t fully work.

  • The other day my brother and I were talking about some science experiment we were doing as kids, how we had a lot of fun until our dad barged into the room and got mad at us for messing with that stuff. We were laughing about it and were like yeah our dad is such an asshole. Then my brother went like: “Yeah do you remember what happened next?”. I was like: “No I don’t remember, I remember him being angry and shouting but not much else.” This was a typical Tuesday for us back in the day, so I didn’t think there was more to remember. My brother said: “Yeah he beat you up so bad you went unconscious for over a minute. I was scared he had beat you to death. Our dad turned white and stormed out of the room as soon as your eyes opened again.” We both laughed and were like “Damn that’s fucked up”.

  • Thorry84@feddit.nltoComic Strips@lemmy.worldInnovation
    2 months ago

    Actually almost all of the people in ancient Egypt lived in the Nile river delta, because of the fertile soil. As such they mostly used boats to transport things up and down the river. They also used a lot of ships for trading with other lands along the Mediterranean coast. For smaller local transport carts were used, as they didn’t live in a desert environment, but instead in a lush agricultural land.