What about disliking textbook fascism and blatant corruption is tripping you up here?
What about disliking textbook fascism and blatant corruption is tripping you up here?
Well, sorta. Different materials bounce different wavelengths of light that our eyes catch and send to the brain to piece together and interpret color from. There is a degree of responsibility for what we see on the object the light bounces off of in the form of what wavelengths they absorb or reflect.
It is truly baffling to me how desperate some people are to believe this. What in human history has shown any indication that what is happening now is for any benefit other than the billionaires?
I love basically losing a month of my income when we’re already barely getting by. Fuck this fucking shithead administration to hell with a rusty whisk.
Money can’t buy you happiness, but it can give you the foundation and support to look for it.