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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • On the other side of this, you have company’s that are in tangential fields looking to grab up a piece of that pie. Electricians, low voltage companies, fucking furniture companies (oh, we totally do audiovisual, that’s similar enough), the C-suite is trying to force their way into this new golden goose and expecting their staff to be able to handle this without training, time, or real hands on experience. And, no, a 2 day workshop from a manufacturer isn’t really “training”, at least not the only training needed…

  • I have always felt the actual ST:E theme is the ending credits.

    Some producer got involved and decided they needed to “distance” Enterprise from the rest of the Star Trek franchise, and they also wanted to give it a bit more modern vibe so that it felt like it was between now and when TOS takes place.

    So they took a Rod Stewart song from Patch Adams, changed some lyrics, and slapped it over what is arguably one of the best Trek opening credit sequences…