Shit take. Get judged by peers
Shit take. Get judged by peers
Which also doesn’t definitely mean it didn’t happen.
Alex jones and right wing fanatics like him always give me hiccups. I don’t know why, it’s probably some innate response from a sphincter. You get em close and they start going off.
I don’t think it’s quite like that, I dunno. The feeling just dulls abit for awhile. Like…I spend to much time working because I enjoy it, then never have any passion left for a own project. But if I have some time away from work I will start on my own things again.
Set of all sets
The dude was saying people are angry at you because they don’t understand, not that you dont understand.
I sometime wonder
Trying to remember when I did give a shit
Stop, I can only get so hard
You have cheesy jizz?
It’s a hypothetical
What about an app whose intention is to make it easier to kill as specific subset of people?
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