• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • Something clicked reading this comment and I realized how much my tabletop roleplay matches the way I approach conflict in real life. I always go for high charisma and try to talk down enemies and resolve through dialogue. I’ll usually go for persuasion before deception and intimidation. Likewise I’m super averse to lying and getting in heated arguments in my real life encounters.


  • the rule where it couldn’t be more than 12 characters long

    This is the one I don’t get. Sure you don’t want people putting in an infinitely long password, but I like to have my passwords at around 15 characters. Why are you forcing me to make a less secure password?

    Only reason I can think of is storage but even at a massive scale, this is text, paying for that storage would cost as much as a rounding error.