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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • It’s survivorship bias combined with easily accessible media. Plenty of people died young back then but if it wasn’t family or close friends you might not have heard of it until years and years later if at all. Some might assume friends just drifted away, it’s life.

    Same with appliances. People say old appliances were significantly better, and I understand in certain areas they might have been but if they were truly so great why aren’t old appliances all over the play, plenty of old people still alive that wouldn’t have bought new appliances just because.

  • First I thought, that doesn’t sound right so I tried to read it too. Then I thought, well shit I’m reading the same thing but it can’t be right. I googled it, sure as shit you’re right. The book was originally German and old so I’m assuming it’s an old German thing that doesn’t translate well. Here’s an alternative cover I found with the same quote.

  • I was talking to my bud about the scoring system and how much of a sham it was she didn’t get at least a few for originality. Literally nobody else did some of the moves she did in the competition. I’m not saying they were good or bad but they sure as fuck were original.

    I sorta laughed when I heard she had a PhD in breakdancing before seeing the performance and ridiculed her after but she manages to do what nobody else has done to this degree and that is to push breakdancing forward in the human conscience. So maybe she doesn’t deserve to be ridiculed for that PhD.

  • To add to this Qatar has some of the best ‘insert stat here’ because they only count Qatar citizens and it’s basically impossible to be one unless you’re born into it or marry into it iirc. They just don’t count immigrants or anyone else in those stats and treat anyone not of Qatar blood like garbage. The Stat that comes to mind is poverty, iirc 0 percent of Qataris live in poverty because the government subsidizes them which sounds great on paper but when you look into it only 11 percent of their population is counted as Qatari and the rest are just cheap labor they exploit.

  • The reason they all fail is because of lack of content for end game BUT they fail in that way because they refuse to learn from the titans. Why do you think minecraft and terraria have had such a long healthy life. It’s cause they have a robust modding community. They need to make the game around making it easy to mod for regular people. Look at minecraft skins, they’re easy to make and sites have easy tools to help make em so everyone dips their toes into it and creates unique custom content to add to the minecraft skin library.