Prethoryn Overmind


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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • Hear me out, I genuinely want to know what someone thinks of this idea.

    We have Life Phone 3 coming soon and some good e-ink options.

    I have been thinking about one of those e-ink box Palmas and putting a minimalist launcher on it making it my primary work device or get away from the world device.

    My Pixel 8 Pro is running GrapheneOS so my primary phone would manage my worldly needs in a private manner while my Boox would handle my get away needs for just the essentials. Reading and browsing nothing more.

    I would lock the device down with a child google account and Google’s family link app. This could see screen time prevent launcher changing and unnecessary app downloads my primary phone could manage it under a segmented Google profile in GrapheneOS. I think I would find myself to annoyed to even bother allowing app downloads so I would just install what is felt the phone was necessary for. A basic web browser, minimalist launcher and reading apps, lemmy and maybe Reddit. It would cut downy screentime a lot I think.

  • Prethoryn Overmind@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldstop
    11 days ago

    I love chicken, pork, and beef. I have tried the meat alternatives and I like most of what I have tried. I would be vegetarian if it honestly wasn’t so expensive sometimes. Not to say meat isn’t also expensive.

    I work with a guy who is a vegan and honestly. I don’t get the hate towards the life style. Guy is as healthy as they get and morally more sound in the area of food than I am.

    What am I missing on Vegan hate or even vegetarian hate. No one imposes on me. Honestly, I feel like they have something figured out I dont.

  • I am using Firefox as of last week I made the switch to the browser a different password manager and so far it is fine but there have been a couple of hiccups but it’s not necessarily a Firefox issue but an implementation with Android issue.

    For example auto forwarding to an app from a webpage in Firefox has worked half the time for me and the other half not so much.

    This is a small example, having Google Chrome and like wise the Google app be native to Android so they move back and forth between one another and are interchangeable while using my phone is much more smooth on my Android device.

    Other than that, I am not positive as to why. On Desktop, zero issues. Works like a charm.

  • “Ease of setup in exchange…” I think people tend to forget what “ease” is for others. This is nothing against you as I agree with your statement but I work a job where doctors can’t figure out how to even unplug a keyboard.

    We tend to associate just being on a social media platform and typing on a computer with tech literacy. Not saying you did this just using it as an example. I think ease comes with more than just setup it comes with dealing or having patience with that setup.

    We use Home Assistant in our house but I also have Google Assistant and even with Home Assistant I still find there are many more things to troubleshoot that Google Assistant just doesn’t give me problems with.

    For example it updated and our Camera just stopped being viewable outright and the time and money it actually took to fix that and yes I said money because it had to do with our camera hardware and upgrade on Internet service. So not directly Home Assistant but indirectly to fix it we had to buy another camera. Where Google Assistant just works.

    I don’t see anything wrong with the users statement either. All kinds of FOSS apps and services offer ease of use setup and platforms. I am not sure Why Home Assistant couldn’t be set up to do some easy to add integration as well or offer competing products against things like Google Assistant aside from cost and not being a hardware company.

    If the idea is to be inclusive the being easy as an exchange is a reasonable request from an end user. We also forget people don’t have the hardware or time to learn to self host. Some of us have day to day jobs that don’t involve this kind of understanding as well as kids, etc. Ease of use as an exchange is why many platforms the Lemmy community doesn’t understand are so popular and maybe open source platforms should adopt that mentality somewhat to bring more people in.

    You can live in both worlds and want the other world to give you something another world might. However, don’t get me wrong I don’t disagree with you. Home Assistant isn’t terribly difficult to learn but if I were to hand it to my parents I would be doing it for them. There is also a laziness to be said that can be attributed to people not wanting to learn to set up something like this but I don’t believe that to be the same as entitlement as a consumer is entitled to want more from a product.

    Anyways, I have said my bit and this isn’t meant to be an argument just providing my perspective. I would argue we should stop nagging people about “easy isn’t a good trade off.” Easy is why so many services people hate on Lemmy are so popular and there is nothing wrong with ease. We should encourage easy in products we want more people to be a part of and companies to engage with users to make those products easier because in the end it makes Doctors life easier and easier for me to recommend to someone with no experience in the world of open source and self hosting. It also brings competition to the table and awareness can spread if something is easier to use and recommend. I wouldn’t recommend Home Assistant to my girl friend as an example because what she does for a living is type in excel spreadsheets and word docs but I wouldn’t expect her to deal with home assistant and that is not against her because she is absolutely intelligent and does all sorts of things with numbers I can’t even as someone in IT who should be able to do so. She absolutely and 100% could figure it out but why would she when her life doesn’t pertain or really care about things as such because those things aren’t as open as something like Echo’s platforms and Google Assistant which makes setup and access easy to use?

  • Get the fuck out of here with the straw man. Google is and has been a problem in more ways than one but they were within their rights to fire people. This is just a dumb ass question to divert right into your already justified opinion because Google is “evil” and it needs to stay that way but if you can’t see that a company has a right to fire when you are getting paid on their time then you are just as unreasonable.

    It sucks for these people but you are just as much in the circlejerk on Lemmy as everyone else if your first statement is a question asking something like this because you can’t discuss it and would rather find any other reasons to just say “But Google bad.” No one is disagreeing with this that Google isn’t a monopoly, powerhouse, and abuses its uses. The point and statement here is that Google had a right to fire them.

  • “Google pays its employees in two ways: monthly or bi-weekly installments, and bonuses. Google’s compensation structure is based on three components: salary, bonus, and equity. Salary is determined by several factors, including: Role, Level, Location, Cost of labor in the region, and Pay targets.” Literally the first Google (unironically).

    I am all for pointing bad things out that companies do but contractors can still be fired or let go if those contractors aren’t meeting performance. Tek Systems is a contractor that does just this.

    “Performance is assess on the output.” - my dude you literally just said, “Google can fire them” what is it with the Lemmy brain? It’s a circle jerk in here of people talking about how they are better because they are on a defederated platform using open source tools and software but doing the exact same thing other platforms do. Boxing yourselves in justifying your opinions just to be a part of a group then claiming to have the better opinion that the “shit” you see on Reddit

    Lemmy users and the platform are literally no different than others. You aren’t better because you are not a “normie” and don’t have to deal with the consequences of Windows or other OS’s. That doesn’t go without saying there isn’t knowledge and information to share learn from others and Lemmy has knowledge worth listening to but God damn if some people on here aren’t just as likely to just justify their own opinions the same as another platform and for God’s sake I get that it’s the Internet but if you can say that then you are self aware that your opinion is not completely reasonable without discussing it.

    I don’t need to find another reason Google isn’t the problem because their are many reasons Google is a problem but this case is being taken out of context. If they were employees disrupting the work place and protesting on company time then Google was within their rights to fire them. If the are contractors then from a quick assessment they clearly were not performing as paid and hired to do so. Google had a right to fire these people no matter what side of the fence you stand on. Does it suck? Sure. I don’t care if you are a down with Google person if you can’t understand this then you are just flat out unreasonable and the same as any other user on any other platform.

  • I am seeing a lot of comments on here but the context not being mentioned is that they were protesting while clocked in or working on the clock.

    Google is technically in authority to do that. The article is worded a bit out of context to make the act of protesting an a big company we all find to be evil more evil for letting employees go that were wasting company time.

    I get it before you even type it I understand Google isn’t short on money and the time portion won’t effect them but has the employees protested while clocked out this would have been a less likely outcome and I also get it, “yeah they would have fired them anyway.” Sure believe what you want but it doesn’t take away that Google had the authority to fire while the employees were in their time no matter what they were protesting. If I did this at my job and was getting paid they would fire me as well.

    EDIT: Lemmy is Reddit but it’s full of users in denial.

  • I was going to say that this is where I disagreed with the OP. It is 100% about price and has absolutely nothing to do with bloat or hostile design. As I wouldn’t consider Spotify’s design or Apple Music’s design choice bad. If anything they are popular because of their design choice.

    If people cared about bloat they wouldn’t be on Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok. The rest of the consuming world lives in a pretty concerning place financially. Anyone who thinks it has to do with the design of the apps is either missing the point and not looking at the rest of the shit going on in the world or blatantly wants to believe Apple bad and FOSS good and I have found that to be a part of what I call the Lemmy mentality.

  • “(on Reddit (/comments/). yuck!)”

    Guys, we fucking get it. You hate mainstream apps like reddit but the solutions aren’t on Lemmy until someone finds them elsewhere like reddit.

    Do we really need to emphasize our hate for something every damn time we make a post. Thanks for the solution but why couldn’t you have just posted the solution.

    God I hate Lemmy, they want a bigger user base to stay away from content controlled by big corps and to move to federated content but will shove their ideals on the community every time and that is what keeps pushing people wanting to stay here away. We don’t need to hear about FOSS and Linux every time. And we get it. We hate reddit that is why the user base moved here.

    EDIT: God I love Lemmy.