smash bros ult chess homelab/selfhosting accountant

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Cake day: March 10th, 2025


  • Religion, in my honest opinion, did help humanity progress way back in the day. But has been outdated and overstayed it’s welcome.

    Take the story of Moses (assuming the general story is true of him freeing slaves). He freed slaves, how? Through religion. Was there another way to do this? Not really. Slaves didn’t know how to read or write, so communicating privately was difficult. Besides, they were stupid by design, they couldn’t even think of a way to escape together. They couldn’t organize together to free themselves. But religion bypassed all of that. And that, is powerful.

    And then once they were free, it evolved into a moral/judicial system to once again help them organize and able to live with each other. We simply don’t need it anymore. And since it is essentially a “vibes based” law system, it gets in the way of actual progress now. Also kind of the point of the New Testament, “forgot the old testament, that’s bad now”. We need a ‘modern testament’ that basically says, “good job, you all made it out of the shithole together, you don’t need me (God) anymore.”

  • Hello, I am also new at self hosting semi recently. There is a bit of a learning curve, but once your over the hump, it gets a lot better.

    First, 100% use docker desktop if your using windows. Most github projects have a docker file you can use. This will take out 90% of the setup required and you don’t have to worry about applications not working on your computer. Thats the point of docker, to remove the “doesn’t work on my computer” problem.

    Here are some independent github projects that I found useful for me and were simple to setup.

    • excalidraw - digital whiteboard. You don’t need to self host this, but its a fun little project. You can just go to and have 100% of the same features (it is all saved in your browser’s cache).
    • mealie - I cook a lot so this is a nice ‘permanent’ cook book to have.
    • warracker - I always forget what I have warranties on, so this will be helpful for me.
    • Arr projects like sonarr, radarr, Jellyfin - sonarr and radarr is a good project to sink your teeth into (do not recommend using docker for this, I had issues with my docker container connecting to my external drives because I have Windows Home edition). This ecosystem is usually everyone’s first project along with pihole since its so useful. Sonarr and radarr will probably take you a week or weekend, Jellyfin will take like 5 min.

  • I’ve just described to you a person that really wanted to learn something, and did it. Put in hours of mental and physical effort. And your response is that nobody wants to learn, and that people only learn what they want to learn? Which is self-evident and vacuous.

    No need to be rude man. You also described the same person as unwilling to learn something. And I didn’t say that person wanted to learn or not, I generalized and said people don’t want to learn.

    I believe we are both trying to say the same thing with different emphasis.

    You are emphasizing that people do like to learn, but there are external forces that encourage/convince them not to.

    I am emphasizing that people don’t like to learn, unless they want to overcome the external forces. I just don’t buy the excuse of external factors stopping people from learning, that’s part of the learning process.

    Your example talks about a person building a pc. Yes it takes time, energy, money, and learning. But it also has A TON of resources to help with that on the internet, definitely makes it easier. It is now a famously recommended project for anybody, even kids. It was also something that is ‘new’ to them, I assume.

    Typing this out made me realize a distinction I failed to bring up. People do like to learn, but people HATE to UN-learn ideas. The person in your example wanted to learn something new, but did not want to unlearn the iphone walled garden.

  • Talent is hard to define. In my opinion talent = unobserved practice/study.

    This picture gets the concept across pretty well. But it can also happen with kids that “happen” to be good at something. Like sports. Was that kid a natural at baseball, or did he just watch a lot of baseball games and played backyard baseball a shit ton so he just knew the rules/strats before any of the other kids?

    Some people learn faster than others yes, but learning in itself is a skill.

    Maybe this isn’t true, but it is definitely 100% more effective than assuming talent is outside of your control or an obstacle that can not be cleared.

  • Probably should get a dedicated ERP system, mainly to just have official support.

    But anybody in finance (like me) knows that everybody from low level accounting assistants, to CBOs use excel daily, even if they have an ERP system. For instance, the one I am using is complete shit with outrageous inexcusable ‘features’ (can’t even describe them because they sound made up). So we all just export data to excel so we can format the reports/data into an actual useful format.

  • No, they really just don’t want to learn. I promise people would rather be okay with their current situation (even if its shitty) as long as they don’t have to learn. Because a lot of people decided that once they were done with high school/college, that there was no need to learn anymore. And now its hard for them to learn

    If they do choose to learn, its because they want to. But if they don’t want to learn, they simply wont. It really is simple.