I know Steve!
But definitely call her that :-)
Don’t call her that!
First TNG watch throughl, she was And impediment to s02 crusher. But as I’ve watched repeatedly, she was a great character who made her presence known. She wasn’t perfect, but she was interesting and she changed as the season went on wrt Data. I still think she was a eagerly underrated character.
Ha…guess I’m the asshole. But I still hate teams alright!
I’ve had to repeatedly switcho “new teams”. The selection isn’t sticky for some reason. It seems like it shouldn’t be that hard to develope a messaging app that does file transfers and meetings but apparently this bloated pile of horseshit proves reason wrong. A second long delay when changing threads? “You’ll use it because corporate says you will…and you’ll LOVE IT”.
And now you know something about me😋
Added, sorry for the delay.
Added. Sorry for the delay.
Is linked to excess deaths? Technically it could be saving lives at a population scale. I doubt that’s the case, but it could be. I’ll read the article now and find out.
Edit: it doesn’t seem to say anything regarding “normal” auto related deaths. They’re focusing on the bullshit designation of an unfinished product as “autopilot”,and a (small) subset of specific cases that are particularly aggregious, where there were 5-10 seconds of lead time into an incident. In these cases a person who was paying attention wouldn’t have been in the accident.
Also some clarity edits.
As a Iong time ST fan I just way to say, this game was a great time. It was like I was playing through a ST episode, dilemma and all. Sending a ship to warp cinematically was something I never knew I wanted to do, but it was perfect.
My God. I think I have that Barclay doll somewhere. I haven’t thought about that in decades…0_0
You’re right. I’m mostly a lurker and when I do want to say something it’s more often than not sarcastic and shitty. What you say hits home and really makes me regret some of my Lemmy history. I’m sorry that life is hitting you so hard, the world is such a mess now and it really is hard to stay positive. But that’s what Star Trek is supposed to be about. Sorry we’ve let you down. That’s on us. Look after yourself my fellow trekie. Take my thanks for all that you do for the community. You’re a Trekkie god among lurkers. Live long and prosper 🖖
Wait, what? Is this confirmed? Please do explain!
Yeah…totally…hate it when that happens😒
Never sure, with that one😆