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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Maggoty@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldtragic
    2 days ago

    To be fair, we deluded ourselves into thinking we were the special ones that all this was created for, and deities wouldn’t let it be ruined unless we displeased them. There’s still a lot of people who believe that. And as late as the 1990s it was easy for a normal person to think the scientists were just being dramatic.

    Of course now with a top ten heat year, every year, for the last several years, and breaking the record for half of them, it’s easy to look back and be harsh.

    Leadership should have been more responsible. But they’re just normal people too. The decision was truly made by the oil corporations whose own studies told them this was happening. And they spent billions over the decades to fund denialism.

  • Maggoty@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldStandoff
    4 days ago

    Yes but no. They have the numbers already reported to them for most of us. A proper database and front end would spit out the magic number. So it’s a one time project that they can’t fund because of lobbyists. Other countries have had this for decades.

  • There’s a lot of punishment that doesn’t show up in the top line in the military. She may be flagged to lose her security clearance, (dishonesty, incompetence, and corruption) which would be the end of her career. They may also outright flag her as not eligible for re-enlistment. She’s certainly not ever going to live that down and it’s not a counseling form that disappears in six months. I’d be very surprised if she ever promotes again.

    All that said, where I was, in the infantry, lying to your commander like that, while endangering the unit, would be either an Other Than Honorable discharge or a Big Chicken Dinner. (Bad Conduct discharge, do not pass go, do not bother with the VA, do not collect retirement, hope future employers never ask about your discharge)

  • To be fair, this is a navy ship. If they got the sniffers out and found a hidden one then the officers would be tearing the ship apart to find it right then and there. Hiding in plain view was the better choice.

    To be mean, because these chiefs deserve it, Stinky is apparently the default name. These fucking geniuses left the default name up rather than try to camouflage it as a legitimate network. So I’m pretty sure none of the top part went through their smooth brains. They just assumed it would go unnoticed. Then they assumed they had enough privilege to make the enlisted think this was proper. Forgetting just how pugnacious the middle enlisted can be when they feel something is both unfair and know it’s against regs. (They will make it their life’s mission to humble a leader, and they win more often than not)

  • Nothing Sipr is going to have a wi-fi. At least, not at the tactical level. God knows what goes on with secure cellphones and stuff. However a Sipr computer is still a computer and if you hook in the wrong cable then you’ve breached the network. Any bad actor knowing where the ship is and with sufficient information is going to try and drop malware to the router. That malware would load to any computer attached and if it happens to find itself on a secure computer it then attempts to phone home or cause havoc.

    Which is why hooking a green cable into a red computer usually means you unhook it, power it down, cart it off to IT, and then hope the punishment isn’t too bad. (Ranges from push ups to half pay for an honest mistake.)