Cthulhu shows up and people start trying to dose going mad to get high
Cthulhu shows up and people start trying to dose going mad to get high
Ya I got nothing against linux and I’m going to switch my old laptop once get the time and a flash drive small enough but I find it’s practically like the reddit meme of the upvotes dropping on the guy’s head
Is there an equivalent to godwin’s law for Linux users? If you don’t have someone mention ditching windows you’ll never think to do it yourself
The top two responses almost make no sense
When are they going put out the new “magic smoke” flavour I’ve heard about, burning electronics isn’t cheap
Terrible cat looks sticky
There’s got to be a way to just decriminalize piracy
OK which world leader is bringing the best booze or food to the party?
I tried it but it failed or something and windows just took over again
“Do you think a sunset in beautiful?”
Check out knowledge fight if you want to see the effect gpt is having on alex jones, if nothing else it’s forcing him to be a better listener because he can’t interupt it without the bot losing it’s train of thought
I’d also put a little blame on lazy writers who want the villains to be relatable so they just make some extremists for otherwise good causes, look at posion ivy who could be easily just be in it for money and power but often push environmental aspects and that’s one thing I think the other guy might be getting at
Is this a normal thing in comic book movies?
I’d love to see how scared some big companies would be if we could decriminalize piracy
it’s more of a saying I guess it has something to do with adolescence and hormone nonsense
like all this stuff https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/im-14-and-this-is-deep/photos
Oh is there a im14andthisisdeep instance now?
IT wouldn’t survive a cod lobby
This relationship thing is why I avoid streaming, just feels like propaganda eventually it affects you even if you know it can happen
Get excited about where ever we’re going because I know it should be awesome