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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Is that what Israel said? No.

    98% of Gaza is still alive after one year of all this indiscriminate bombing and genocide.

    There’s a very obvious reason why the civilian death toll and Gaza is so high and it’s because that is the strategy of Hamas, to purposefully raise that number. They have literally no other leverage then to try and get as many people as possible killed while the elite Gazan’s hide underground, and run to the ICJ and claim war crimes. Remember that first week of airstrikes last October, when Hamas launched a social media campaign to convince people that the evacuation warnings and airstrike warnings were a hoax?

    Look how well it is working on you. Why are you siding with the view taken by Iran, Qatar, Malaysia, Turkey, Jordan, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Islamic State, all of them led by far right nationalists, dictators and monarchs, against the view taken by America, Canada, Australia, Japan, and France? That’s not a red flag to you that maybe your moral compass has led you astray?

    Maybe you’re right, and you think the west should abandon Israel. You think they’re just going to let their flawed democracy be taken over by insane religious fascists from Iran? No. Israel will turn Iran into a sheet of glass before they let Iranian soldiers March into Jerusalem. Tens of millions of people will die.

    How sad are you going to be when Middle East states start attacking Israel and the resulting humanitarian and refugee crisis results in 50,000 people dying by lunch time, day in day out, for months or years?

    I bet you’ll be so sad that you won’t even be able to post TikToks about it.

  • You have no clue what you’re talking about. You’re a real life Dunning Kruger curve.

    I learned International law in law school and in my profession of decades, not from Googling links and pretending to be an expert.

    I’m not going to call you an anti-semite for these bullshit arguments you read online because I know it’s just that you’re ignorant, but the reason many people would is because you are applying a heightened standard of law to Israel but not anywhere else, you are holding Israel to a standard that you do not apply to Iran and the violent pan-Islamist nationalists that it backs on all sides of Israel, and are willing to defend it when pan-Islamists do mass shootings and mass kidnappings of civilians, which is their new thing, ever since suicide bombings became faux pas.

  • I wasn’t trying to say that at all. Wars are fought where they are fought. It’s up to whoever is in charge of the area to make sure they are evacuated.

    The people in charge of the area in Gaza (Hamas) do the opposite, that’s why they are designated as a terrorist organization and not legitimate government, such as the taliban in Afghanistan.

    An illegitimate, criminal organization, that so willfully disregard the public welfare and trust, has no right to fight anywhere.

    Let’s dispel the bullshit idea that Hamas is fighting for the lives and rights of the Gazan people. If Hamas wants to have a state so bad, they should start by looking out for the interests of their own people instead of constantly leading them into worse suffering. Taking part in international terrorism and killing Jews is more important to the leadership of Gaza then is feeding their people and until it’s not Gaza is irredenta.