FreshRSS works well for me, also in combination with Read You on Android.
FreshRSS works well for me, also in combination with Read You on Android.
The request from the other machines go through the firewall and are being redirected, the requests from the NAS are basically trying to connect to localhost, so no redirection here as the requests aren’t leaving the machine.
I know, that’s why it always catches my eye when there’s “2 years” in there somewhere.
about two years
How convenient.
That was exactly the point. There are quite a number of cars with actual self-driving technology, where the driver is not responsible. Or if there is no driver.
Wait, you update productions systems without running a staging environment? Or even checking the update notes and your installed apps? Also no backups? What kind of business are you running over there?
If setting up TLS is too much work, better stay with a service. Signal is nice.
It really depends on if you need transcoding or not. If no, it doesn’t matter. If yes, check for integrated GPUs on both models and check that it will work as a transcoder for jellyfin.
Kavita works well for me.
Which display size? How much storage?
Sure, if you’d rather like to believe that.
So you’re telling me a company would rather take one sale and two resales than 3 sales?
Why would they want resales?
Why would a game developer want that?
The other bad news: there are so many vulnerabilities on all systems which can be used to gain root-level access, it’s just a matter of time. Also, even future vulnerabilities will be an issue, as the underlying Sinkclose attacks will still work.
Hey hey hey… Have you seen how large poodles can grow?