Flyberius [comrade/them]

I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe… Piss ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion… I watched Pee-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like piss in rain…

– Dirt Owl replicant from the future

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 6th, 2022


  • I have a similar experience with my dad. However whilst I did nothing, my sister moved heaven and earth to save him. The result was that my dad suffered a very long time, and eventually ended up locked in, unable to communicate, before we eventually pulled the plug. Being locked in was his worst fear. The last conscious communication my dad had with me was him staring into my eyes and shaking his head, unable to speak because of all the pipes down his throat, in his lungs and his stomach. Bags of piss and blood hooked up to his bladder. He wanted to die and we wouldn’t let him.

    Do not beat yourself up over this. Regret is a terrible thing.

    Please don’t blame yourself buddy.

    As a side note, my dad also got me into star trek.

  • I am here to explain this once again. Neelix and Tuvok were dead. They died in a transporter accident. They died painlessly and unaware of their fate. Tuvix was not dead. Begged not to be killed. And was painfully aware of the fate they were forced to suffer.

    It does not matter if you have a magic wand that can magic two people back for the cost of one other, she chose to kill someone, who was begging to her face to be spared. It is as simple as that. What other innocent people would you choose to kill in order to bring back others you deem more valuable? The closest parallel I can think of in the real world would be if someone bundled you off the street and explained that they were going to remove your heart to give it to Joe Biden as you are the best blood and tissue match. You won’t survive this procedure but let’s be honest, Joe Biden is way more useful to the establishment than you, whoever you are.

    The episode is great and I would never ask for it to be changed, it added a lot of depth to Janeway as a character, but it was also straight up murder.