Why would it involve re encoding?
Why would it involve re encoding?
It was target not walgreens, and it was probably not even real. Please stop belligerently pushing unsubstantiated bullshit as if it’s incontrovertible fact. https://www.kdnuggets.com/2014/05/target-predict-teen-pregnancy-inside-story.html
Meanwhile, llms are less useful at helping me write code than intellij was a decade ago
Libredirect extension will redirect to public proxitok instances so you could watch them without going to tiktoks site directly
That doesn’t make any sense. How does arguing against your position do anything but harm it?
Maybe just give them grief over the myriad negative things they do that don’t counter your position?
It’s slower than chrome or webkit based browsers, hangs out with Safari in terms of standards support, and can’t hold a candle to either other browser when it comes to battery life.
I’ve read this a few times. If ethanol is mandated how are there stations with ethanol free? Do they just have a pay an extra tax or something?
Trivial? What information does this whitelist hold that can’t be spoofed? It’s not like apps have to tell the truth about what they are.
To my knowledge upgrading to the newer release of any of those linux distros was not blocked by having only slightly old and perfectly serviceable hardware.