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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 27th, 2023


  • You don’t need to update NVIDIA drivers every time there’s a release. I don’t even do that on my Windows machine. Most driver updates are just tweaks for the latest game, not bug fixes or performance improvements.

    And hell, you’re using Linux. Vim updates more often than the graphics driver, what do you expect?

  • As a DM, the rules-as-written are more a suggestion than rules. As long as you’re consistent with applying your modified rules, give that Barb an Intimidation bonus based on STR or whatever you like. I have a pretty decent sized list of rules I treat differently than RAW, because some spells and abilities are never used - why cast anything else when you have access to Fireball?

  • The limitation is not tech, it’s the cost to include those features in an IP68+ device. The XR21 is a $650USD phone, that’s near flagship prices, and very far from a budget phone.

    Is it possible to create a device that has a jack, SD slot, and removable battery that’s also IP68+ certified? Absolutely, but doing that is quite a bit more expensive than the same features on an IP67 or lower device.

    It’s not that it’s impossible, but the device will be both more expensive, and considerably thicker. Most people do not care about a headphone jack anymore, and even less so SD card slots and removable batteries. They want thinner, cheaper, waterproof phones. These features aren’t in high demand, and aren’t profitable for companies to produce.

  • No, it still requires something the person does or doesn’t do (within reason) to influence or allow the evil act. If you see someone being mugged and you ignore it and keep walking when you have the power to help, even if just calling the police and walking away, then yes, that inaction makes you a bad person, IMO. But if a bad guy starts a war on the other side of the planet, you’re not evil if you don’t enlist and go fight the evil regime.

    But like I said, it’s all a grey area, there is no black and white good and evil in reality. It’s rarely as simple as just “this is good, and this is evil” in real life.

  • An “evil” act does not make a person evil necessarily. We all do bad shit sometimes. My point was it’s a grey area that can’t be defined with 9 alignments outside of the structure of a game, but knowingly allowing your actions to cause harm to others is an evil act.

    That being said, the idea of good and evil is entirely the result of fiction. I don’t believe there’s a black and white “good and evil” in reality. Human actions and motivations can’t be defined so broadly IMO.