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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • I usually give file names a human readable name like “report on the event 27.7.1994”. Makes it easier for other people to understand if I need to pass the file on.

    For images I keep the original file name when I store it in a database (Capture one/Lightroom/etc) in folders by the year and then month they are taken: 2023 --> 08 and so on. If I eksport images for a specific project, I will keep the original file name but add project name and give it a number based on sequence. Everything else is in the metadata

  • This is the default behaviour for chickens. I can’t think of any chicken like creatures that exists in the wild that resembles. The chickens I kept had plenty of room both inside and outside. Outside was a predator proof fence around a large area with different kinds of vegetation, bushes and wet and dry environments (I also had a couple of mallards). Inside they had running water, things to climb on to roost, and various boxes to lay and sleep in. Every week I cleaned their living quarters and threw down fresh bedding. They were not for food or for egg production. I ate and gave away the eggs they laid.

    Edit: to keep the roosters from doing the dirty with close relatives, I swapped rooster with other people that kept poultry as a hobby