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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Maybe also an evolved strain of the pandemic h1n1 virus. And more evolved versions of other viruses, too. That covid will be more evolved than the original pandemic strain, also. It’ll have the transmission increases and immunity avoidance while in the novel virus stage, so going back to warn about covid could instead make it happen earlier and much worse (instead of just earlier). Plus all the other pandemics on top of that, and in a time that is much less ready to pivot office work to wfh.

  • My perspective has been that if things really do go to shit to the level of what peppers believe, financial stuff won’t really matter unless you’ve invested in setting up a self-sufficient compound. And even then, owning such a compound would likely be as much of a liability than an asset because unless there’s many such compounds, you’re going to get swarmed by anyone who hears about it, so you’ll also need security forces and equipment to defend it.

    And if you have a small army on the compound, good luck not getting couped by them.

    A business venture like a magazine would be completely irrelevant if society ends. But it might make a decent income in the time between now and the end. And it’ll be kinda like religion: once anyone is in a position to find out how good any of your advice really was, they won’t likely be in a position to get upset with you if it was all just made up.

  • Personally, instead of smart bulbs, I’d use smart switches for automating lighting. There’s no need for every bulb to be individually controlled and carry all of the overhead involved in that. On that note, I’d also love to see DC circuits that can take LED bulbs without needing a transformer for each bulb (which tends to be what causes it to fail IIRC).

    Just tried looking at the state of the smart switch market and fuck Samsung for naming their app for transferring files from phone to PC “smart switch”. Especially because there’s plenty of ways to do that already that don’t require a shitty Samsung app.

    Excluding Samsung from the search, I’d suggest not looking for products directly but finding enthusiast communities that are building their own smart homes. There is more to it than just getting devices that don’t rely on some specific company’s web services. You’ll need to also setup a controller/server, connect all of the devices to that, and then figure out how you want to interact with it (eg via phone, scheduling, voice commands, etc). I haven’t done this myself, but I’m guessing all of these are solved problems, but doubt that anyone would call setting it all up easy.

  • It all depends on how and what you ask it, plus an element of randomness. Remember that it’s essentially a massive text predictor. The same question asked in different ways can lead it into predicting text based on different conversations it trained on. There’s a ton of people talking about python, some know it well, others not as well. And the LLM can end up giving some kind of hybrid of multiple other answers.

    It doesn’t understand anything, it’s just built a massive network of correlations such that if you type “Python”, it will “want” to “talk” about scripting or snakes (just tried it, it preferred the scripting language, even when I said “snake”, it asked me if I wanted help implementing the snake game in Python 😂).

    So it is very possible for it to give accurate responses sometimes and wildly different responses in other times. Like with the African countries that start with “K” question, I’ve seen reasonable responses and meme ones. It’s even said there are none while also acknowledging Kenya in the same response.