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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • My point is, look I’m a dumb white hick. I’ve never ran anything as significant as this. Just from the way the guy talks I can tell he has eons more experience than I do. His track record? Jesus Christ.

    Still, if I were him I would’ve just… stopped. Long, long ago.

    Yet he hasn’t. Admittedly, I’m a dumb fuck yet smart cookie compared to some but honestly what are the odds that with zero experience I could make better business decisions than this guy?

    Make it make sense, ya know? Explain to me like I’m 5 why he would make decisions that are so obviously detrimental to the company? What are the odds that I could give better business advice than this guy?

    Yet this is what he’s doing. He’s either purposely destroying it or has some weird master plan and I’m not sure I can be convinced otherwise tbh. We all see it, as bad as he seems to be there’s no way he doesn’t.

  • Honestly I feel like that killed Twitter more than many other changes.

    People tell me "there’s no way he (musk) would intentionally crash his own company - it makes no sense - “he’s just terribly bad at business!”

    But is he really THAT bad? In what world could these changes be made in which he’s actively trying to improve the company? If nothing else, seeing the negative backlash, bad publicity and dropping number of users wouldn’t any sound minded business owner at least temporarily undo some of these changes?

    With any business, if you make a change that causes you to lose customers and get bad publicity… don’t you try to mitigate the damage done? Who goes balls to the wall on obviously bad decisions?

  • I miss back in the day. Used to be able to store all my stuff on CD-R’s, hell before that it was floppy’s. File sizes have grown exponentially, programs/apps all have huge sizes. Pictures and videos is my biggest issue, but I’d also like to backup games that I’ve downloaded so I don’t have to download again. I can backup old games no problem, but modern games? Many are 100+ GB now, and in time they all will be and 200GB will be the standard, then a terabyte and more.

    Anyway, until I can afford and find a 20 tb sad I’m just using DVDs for everything but games and large programs. Quick to write, solid, tangeable etc. If I could afford a bunch of flash drives I’d probably do that instead.

    If you can afford it and it’s important data I’d ofc recommend backing up to a large SSD, THEN to a cloud (or more) as a failsafe… then also using flash drives/DVD’s etc. For an additional failsafe for the super important stuff.

    I mean, if it’s important backup all you can.

    I’ve got priceless memories in my Google photos library but ofc Google removed being able to view them on my native photos app and download easily… so instead I either have to backup and save ALL of it in Google drive or download specific albums… idk so I wouldn’t personally recommend google as a true backup as you never know, personally I’d just use DVDs and flash drives for that stuff

  • I’m new to the party and am still experimenting, not super tech savvy but I’ve been doing a few things.

    I have one SD set up for retro gaming via Lakka. Wish Lakka had an option to add a desktop like RetroPie but just really love the interface and ease of use. Tried recalbox and it’s nice as well! Can’t remember why I settled for Lakka.

    Another SD is for experimenting at the moment. As mentioned I’m brand new to the pi community so I’ve installed Raspbian on it and have just been testing the waters. Set up iirc my first VNC network between it, my PC and my phone. Also have been using it to rip and burn DVDs via brasero. Don’t have wifi at home, I use a hotspot which complicates using my printer wirelessly so I’m considering using the pi as a network for that. There’s also a cool program I found where you learn musical coding? It’s pretty interesting though I still don’t really know what it’s for haha.

    I’d really like to do more with it but as mentioned am just learning. Hell, I just got it running a few weeks ago after it had been down for a couple years so I’m sure I l’ll be doing more when I find the time.

    I’d love to set it up in my vehicle and have Spotify, gps navigation, retro gaming etc through it but seems like a big project with my limited understanding ATM.