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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • Ngl, I started skimming half way through because what you posted seemed to be more taken from a video than your own words. I agreed with most of it “intersectionality is mostly upper class white people.” But that’s because it hasn’t really escaped college.

    Then I paid attention to the end because a lot of people post their crazies there. “lawmakers and lobbyists who are under the influence of Intersectionalisism” who? Where? No really, who?

    And also “Intersectionalisism [isn’t] just harmful to men…” Harmful in what way? Maybe someone posted something crazy I don’t know about, but my understanding of intersectionality is [women are more oppressed then men, black people are more oppressed then men, therefore black women are more oppressed than both] like a punnett square of oppression.

    So instead of using someone else’s words I want you in less than 100 words describe what you’re trying to say, the fumes have gotten to me and thinking is hard.

  • If it makes you any better I also don’t go looking for answers, the statements just falls into my ears. I hear a lot of people when they’re behind closed doors. I think the funniest one I heard was when 2 people were chatting on a radio and they were told to quit it because “gossiping is what girls do”. So I guess it’s gay to talk to your homies too?

    It’s not something people bring up in meetings.

    It’s not a point that’s needs to be said. It just “is”.

    And as long as gay is a term used to insult people, as long as people care to be better than women, as long as being stoic is the only way to be a man, MRA movement will fail. People reap what their fathers have sown.

  • I never said feet.

    That is so inconsequential. I don’t care if it was the tip of their elbow. The part doesn’t matter. Why focus on it? You’re doing nothing but distracting by pointing at something that doesn’t matter.

    That was my argument on her.

    This whole time I’ve been talking about the act and that I don’t know this person. Once again, not what I’ve been talking about. I care about the act because it is selfish. That is why my first post on this I said “Just because you made a selfish choice doesn’t make you a [selfish] person…”

    It only affects her.

    No, it does not only affect her. Have you never lived with people or been in a community. It takes time and effort to take care of people. If you’re ‘sick’ and people take care of you, if you expect people to have the same amount of support after denying the ‘cure’ you’re being selfish. If we keep up treating everyone the same, then we cannot ‘step up’ to help sick people.

    You say she treats them like they’re just hands and feet, which is simply wrong.

    You should re read what I typed…“[I]put myself into the shoes of someone who is helping her. “Oh, all I am is a foot?””

    Nothing in this situation harms anyone,

    Which is why I tried explaining why I put harm in quotes. I didn’t argue she is giving people super cancer by not accepting help or not getting arms and feet re-attached

    Her disability is not a burden on anyone.

    Any ONE? sure. Not what I’m arguing. It’s great that everyone helping her has the time and ability and desire to help her.

    You seem to have started arguing against a phantom in the middle there

    Yeah, anyone with experience is just traumatized and reflexively saying that everyone is just pushing that trauma onto others. You don’t know me, you should give me that respect. That’s why I made no judgement on her overall character. I don’t know that. But the act is obviously selfish.

    implied that the only reason to do nice things is so other people like you?

    If you break it down like that why not take it all the way? The only reason to help people is because it gives ME feel good brain juice 😈 What about the only reason to help people is to manipulate them into giving me their efforts when I request them 😈 didn’t you know, helping people is the most selfish act of all 😈

    If you want to know how I feel about “help” is that it is just an inherently good thing to do. I chose my career specifically to help people.

    She’s not pushing anyone away.

    Good thing it’s a fantasy comic.

    her learning to accept their aid

    Even if I agree with you on everything, how is that supposed to show she isn’t acting selfish with her choice from earlier?

  • I’m not as great formatting in text. But you started this by saying arms and feet. The rest were mostly
    along the lines of the text has multiple meanings and I’m using certain ones.

    I made no judgement on her overall character. I haven’t argued her whole is selfish. That one instance is her being selfish. I did read what you wrote? Your argument on that specific act not being selfish is “she’s done good things.” I don’t care. I don’t know her. That act is selfish, the choice is selfish.

    I don’t care if they’re family. Am I not allowed to complain about acts that ‘harm’ me?

    I’m sorry, is that supposed to make me not feel that she’s selfish. I have experience with people doing that “oh no, I cannot accept a gift” any every time I’ve seen someone do that it’s from past trauma. The reason why I’m going to push back against anyone saying “let them stay traumatized” is because helping people and giving gifts makes people like you more. If you do that you’re going to push people away, and make it harder to live/have friends/get help in the future/form bonds with people. No, that is bull shit behavior. You probably posted the one thing that would make me dislike her more.

  • She is selfish by choosing to not “pull her weight”. She became selfish by that choice.

    I understand there are some communities that choose things like keeping their child deaf, but if you’re choosing to put more weight on me then that does go into my perception of you.

    I’m not going to force anyone into “becoming healed”. But they are choosing. That choice is when it becomes selfish.

    No, it isn’t as selfish as a billionaire putting children in mines to see their bank account grow.

    Everyone makes selfish choices all the time.

    Just because you made a selfish choice doesn’t make you a bad person, or even means you “hurt” someone. Doing good deeds before doesn’t make future acts not selfish.

    When I first read “she has all the arms and feet she could ever want” all I did is put myself into the shoes of someone who is helping her. “Oh, all I am is a foot?” Is an easy thing to see someone feeling, especially after learning they’re choosing to keep you there.

  • You really haven’t experienced this have you. I usually recommend the German version of funny games because Americans don’t recognize the actors, and it’s easier to just put the movie as “just people” in their heads. The whole movie is about using social expectations in order to torture and kill a family.

    If you get up and leave when people do this, you’re probably going to become unfavorable and not invited back.

    If you just rip out the role playing to address every small thing people will just stop role playing, and become murderhobos anyways.

    It’s good to go over the game in a kind of want/will/won’t list. Because sometimes in order to get what you want out of a game you need to go through things you’re only willing to do. To me, it seems like you’ve been saying this whole time “if you don’t do what you WANT, then quit” which would explain why you’ve “barely ever been a player.”

    You’ve been screaming, in not direct ways, a lack of social experience with things of this nature. I wish you the best of luck. And as a recommendation, try not to get upset at a nineteen word meme that you haven’t experienced. There is a good reason why the most comments in this, besides you, have been people telling you that you are wrong.

    Unless you explain to me why you’re so passionate about this, I will not care to respond. I hope you have a lot of fun in the games you play and I hope you get the best out of them. I hope you have a wonderful Sunday, I’m going to go play a game where the DM wants me to back stab the party.

  • If it got to the point that the party was willing to twist the narrative to kill the entire campaign, they should have already left.

    Then why are you so passionate about this if you don’t have experience? I have experience both as a player when another player goes all murder hobo, and a GM when people have gone full murder hobo. It isn’t fun, there was always talk before hand and the GM tries to not break flow of game. I’m not “defense of vindictive DMing” I’ve just been in plenty of complex situations similar to A NINETEEN WORD MEME that you are refusing to understand that people with experience are laughing at, not because “being mean is good” but people trying to make the best of a shit situation they’ve been PUT in.

    It’s a perfect example of what I have been talking about.

    DM explains expectations
    Player ignores everything
    DM does in game thing to enforce expectations

    My experience is definitely people wanting to play/GM with friends and I haven’t ever directly paid/been pain for sessions. So when I say job I’m definitely implying a soul crushing 9-5 and not a session between friends. It’s a group activity, everyone should be trying. If it is solely the DM’s job to keep the peace, it is a failing game.

  • Yes, the party all snapped at the same time and started murder hoboing and it definitely wasn’t talked about before hand by the party or the dm.

    Listen, it sounds like you’ve been traumatized by some passive aggressive dm. I cannot think of a reason you’re so passionate about this.

    It really feels like you’d be a part of the “doms don’t need aftercare” crowd too.

    One of the closer examples of this actually happening is a party was underneath an alchemist shop in the sewers which I said smelled of sulphur. The newest person to the party their first move down there was fireball. I literally said “are you sure?” While giving him the look. Anyways most people made their dex saves and it was a lesson in fuck around find out. They became a great player and meshed really well with the game. But saying something and doing something are two different things. I told them before this event I will reward them for being smart and punish for not being observant. You need this ability to do things like this in game in order to smoothly, without breaking the flow, push the players in the right direction.

    You don’t have to be in that style of game, you also have the ability to ask the DM how they want to run the game.

    There are games out there for any type of player and dm. If you think it’s the dm’s JOB to make you happy then I do not want to be a part of any game you’re in. This is a group game.

  • When I’m a DM I reward people being clever or following through with hints I give them. I like having those little puzzles in the middle of a game.

    If I am running a game where I kill a party it’s because they didn’t listen to anything and were basically cutting anything that I wanted to do out.

    I don’t want to be in a dungeon crawler. Video games tend to do those better.

    I don’t want to run a dungeon crawler. I could just set up a module for people to do.

    I tell players before hand what I expect of a player. If they like it they play, if they don’t I’ll find another. It’s that simple.

    I expect an amount of bullshittery, that can be fun. But I never enjoyed participating in a murder hobo session. If my game starts out fun, then goes murder hobo direction, I’ll get my fun.

    “Don’t do x,y,z.”
    Players do x,y,z
    Party dies

    I don’t know what y’all expected.