Of course it’s Crowder at the forefront of this - the narcissistic manchild who was caught on-camera being such a vile piece of shit to his eight-month-pregnant then-wife that even his biggest simps couldn’t pretend that it was defensible.
I mean, I don’t think that this is a bad thing. People can date and break up as much as they want. Getting married should be seen as something very serious that isn’t easily broken.
I know not everyone has the same experiences, but I’ve seen people treating marriage as throw away and it deeply impacts their children.
No, it’s a bad thing because without no-fault divorce laws someone could very easily be trapped in an abusive relationship with no recourse.
Doesn’t no-fault mean that either party can get a divorce for any reason?
Am I misunderstanding what “no-fault” means here?
Read the article. Republicans are against no fault divorce, so they want the man to have to approve in order for his wife to divorce him. It’s a way to enslave women.
I mean then why did she marry him? Maybe people should date longer instead of rushing into marriage.
No human institution, agreement, or connection will ever be free of both bad actors and blameless mistakes, so there must be a way to end such things in order to preserve life, dignity, and happiness.
Our institutions are created to serve us as people, not to bind us for the sake of being binding.
Or just don’t get married to people with red flags. They are usually very obvious and willfully ignored. We need to stop allowing people to hand wave consequences.
Yeah for your God’s sake and ours keep staying a virgin brother thanx for listening
I have 8 kids.
Of course
Did the lobotomy hurt? You should do an AMA.
It may surprise you that people are allowed to have different opinions and come to conclusions based on their own experiences. Insults don’t really affect or sway anyone’s opinions, nor do they silence those you deem ineligible of thought.