Especially with the rise of “ghost postings” so quantity over quality is greater than ever these days

    4 months ago

    Sure, this is close to what I use (I’ve tried to change it up a bit so I don’t give up too much info), and I’ve included prompts for what to fill in. I’ll admit it is very generic at this level, but you should be able to take these bones and make your own monster out of it 😁

    Just remember to sell yourself to them, even if it feels icky and gross, that’s what job applications are. If you do exaggerate in your cover letter/resume, keep it reasonable and be prepared to support it if/when you get interviewed!

    Phone #

    To whom it may concern,

    I discovered your <job title> position <on website, from person etc>, and I would like to know more about this position. I am a <description of yourself as a professional, include something about wanting a challenge>. I think that I would be a good fit for this position because <list qualities related to the field applying for, don’t be afraid to exaggerate (within reason) - sell yourself!>.

    I have <number> years of experience in <your field> and <any professional certifications or relevant education or experience>. I am <list characteristics RELEVANT TO POSITION! Reference interpersonal skills! Sell yourself to the company!>.

    <Comments about your excitement for the position>. <Thank them for considering you for the position>, <statement about wanting to learn more/meeting them to discuss>. I can be reached at the listed phone number or via email at <your professional email>.


    <Your name>

      4 months ago

      Because I’m bored and feeling silly while kiillng time:

      Jason Vorhees
      1313 Crystal Lake Rd

      To whom it may concern,

      I discovered your Summer Camp Slasher position on StabbedIn, and I would like to know more about this position. I am a relentless killer who is up for a new challenge in murdering teens at camp. I think that I would be a good fit for this position because I have the ability to teleport, survive being shot/stabbed/set on fire, and am a dedicated problem solver.

      I have 40 years of experience in menacing camp counsellors and have multiple endorsements from various local police departments. I am a dedicated killer who will keep coming back until the job is done or I am relieved of the position.

      I believe this position will be a good fit for me, and I believe I will bring a lot of dread to the camp. Thank you for your consideration for this position, I look forward to meeting to discuss this opportunity and demonstrate my skills. I can be reached at the listed phone number or via email at


      Jason Vorhees